
Computers with old versions of windows already have anti patch

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The big news this weekend is undoubtedly the huge ransomware attack that already affects around 150 countries. While millions of computers may be affected, some solutions have emerged, such as the one improvised by a British researcher.

Computers with old versions of Windows already have an anti-ransomware patch

Microsoft has not stood idly by, as it is a threat that directly affects their computers and has already released a security patch to prevent attacks by this WannaCry ransomware. Now, older versions of Windows can also be protected.

Security patch for old versions

This is a surprising move, because Microsoft no longer supports versions like XP, Windows Server 2003 or Windows 8. But given the virulence of the attack, the American company has preferred to prevent. In this way, by downloading this security patch, they can protect themselves from the attack that affects many users, and that seems to continue to progress so far.

Windows 10 users have been the luckiest, since in the March security patch they could protect themselves against this type of ransomware. Luckily, now for the rest of the operating system versions there is already a way to protect yourself.

The researchers are also working on new solutions to solve the problem caused by the WannaCry ransomware, so surely more ways are coming soon to solve this virulent attack. What they recommend to users is that they do not pay the so-called ransom at the moment. Have you already installed the security patch?


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