
Panel goes, is it better than a tn or ips panel?

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The VA panel is a very interesting option that can satisfy our needs. Inside, we compare it with the TN or IPS panel.

I know that many of you will think “another article comparing these 3 panels”, but I recommend that you stay because you can draw interesting conclusions. The VA panel is not as well known as the TN or the IPS, which are much more commercialized. However, this technology may be just what you need. Do you want to know it?

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Panel VA, the middle way between TN and IPS

We could say that it is a technology that is halfway there and that offers similar characteristics of both technologies.

Its abbreviation stands for Vertical Alignment and it is a LED LCD panel that offers better viewing angles than TN, a very good color, the best possible contrast and the best color depth. In addition, it offers quite reliable blacks compared to other panels.

However, it has characteristics that make it falter as technology, see its long response times. This fact causes video editors to dismiss these dashboards because they just need a good response time other than.

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First of all, its deep blacks and intense whites. We don't see this on IPS panels, where blacks are gray. In the case of TN, the shades, dark colors, etc., are quite poor compared to VA panels. Therefore, this technology transmits more information in this regard.

Second, its contrast. Currently, it offers the best contrast on the market, being much better than IPS. In these we find contrasts of 1500: 1 (professional range) or 1000: 1. In the VA panel we can obtain a native contrast of 3000: 1 or 6000: 1.

Third, its viewing angles are quite good, although those of IPS panels are better. In this case, it surpasses TN panels, whose angles are very bad. So these panels are halfway between their two rivals.

Fourth, the color accuracy. We will obtain reliable colors, something that is not possible in TN. Here there is a division of opinions among the experts because it is a subject that is quite subjective to the human eye: some see better colors than IPS and others the opposite.

Fifth, its price is lower than similar IPSs. However, it is more expensive than TNs, which rank as the cheapest option of the 3 panels. In terms of image quality, VA panels are the best value for money.

Sixth, the retentions or burned. It is more complicated that these occur in a VA than in IPS, for example. This advantage is symbolic at least because the IPS of today are difficult to burn, although there is a possibility.


Your first handicap is the response time. The VA panel has the longest response time of the 3, achieving at least 4 ms. I think it is his great disadvantage, since he clearly loses to his two rivals.

On the other hand, its brightness level is lower than IPS. This causes images to be less well lit and the colors and their vividness cannot be 100% appreciated.

Also, note that its viewing angles are worse than IPS. This does not mean that they are bad, but that they are not the best on the market. As we have said before, even so, they are superior to those of the TN.

Mention that its color depth is "normal", since it does not exceed 8 bits. If we go to professional ranges, the IPS can offer a depth of up to 12 bits. This means that the VA panel shows fewer colors than the IPS. In this case, they are equated to TN.

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Its fifth disadvantage is the refresh rate or frequency. In this case, it is worse than that offered by TNs and IPS. It is true that we can see 144 Hz models, but their prices soar absurdly for what the monitor itself offers. For this reason, they are not the most recommended monitors for gaming .

Finally, its availability. If we take a look at the market, we will see fewer monitors that incorporate these panels, compared to IPS or TN. Therefore, its offer is less than that of its rivals, which seems to us a disadvantage, especially at the price level.


In my opinion, the VA panel is best for general use because it provides image quality that is generally very good. I do not recommend this technology for specific uses, such as professional work or gaming . In those cases, TN and IPS are better than VA.

It is true that we find VA panels with 144 Hz and with 1 ms response time, but they are absurdly expensive. Currently, we have IPS or AH-IPS panels that offer 144 Hz, 1 ms and a very good image quality, which seems to us the best option.

Here we leave you a table summarizing all the conclusions of this comparison between these 3 panels:

  • Gaming: TN or IPS. Professional ranges: IPS. Overrall or overall performance: VA. Price: VA or TN.
Response times Best Worst Best
Refresh rate Best Worst Best
Brightness Worst Medium Best
Color accuracy Worst Best Best
Viewing angles Worst Medium Best
Color depth Worst Worst Best
Contrast Worst Best Medium
Price Best Medium Worst

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