
▷ Pc gaming: features, tips and how to choose each piece ??

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Assembling a gaming PC is the best option to make the most of the investment, adapt the equipment to our needs and achieve a computer that is not totally obsolete with new technological advances.

In general, it is interesting that the resulting equipment belongs to at least the mid-range, very cheap models have too many limitations and are not profitable in the medium and long term. On the other hand, if what you want is reliability and few surprises, it is also interesting to do without second-hand components, since they have a much higher failure rate.

Those who have never assembled a PC may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information available on the network, both they and more experienced users will surely appreciate this article where we will analyze the most important components, their role and advice for their selection when it comes to assemble a gaming PC.

Index of contents

Basic structure of the gaming PC

The most important elements in a gaming PC are the following:

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU) Motherboard (MOBO) Graphics Card (GPU) Memory (RAM) Storage Units (SSD, HDD or SSHD) Network Card (NIC) Cooling System Power Supply (PSU) Tower or PC Case Peripherals (mouse, speakers, screen, keyboard, headphones, etc.)

There are many models available on the market for each of these parts, so the assembly of the computer begins by comparing each of these components and the pros and cons they bring to the system.

Central processing unit or CPU

This is the element in charge of receiving, interpreting and managing the instructions from the other components of the system, for which reason its importance is vital.

In addition to the immediate needs of the gaming PC that we are assembling, the CPU limits the possibilities for improvement in the future, by forming a bottleneck with respect to the benefits of the most modern graphics cards.

For this reason, if we plan to update our build with more modern parts during the life of the computer, it is a good idea to oversize the CPU so that it is compatible with components released later.

Among computer lovers and gamers , this component is usually considered the second most relevant in the entire computer, only behind the GPU. Their contribution to team performance is therefore unquestionable.

When selecting a CPU for our gaming PC, we must attend to the following characteristics:

  • Clock frequency. It quantifies the rate at which CPU transistors change state and is therefore a measure of instruction processing speed. The current units are in the order of gigahertz. Numbers of cores. There are single-core and multi-core CPUs. The cores of a central processing unit can divide the different active tasks in the system to develop them simultaneously in parallel. Number of threads. Its basic function is similar to that of cores, but while they function as a separate thread, threads double as a program control flow, in which a task is itself divided into tasks that can be performed pseudo-parallel. Each core usually has two threads ( multi-threaded , multi-threaded , hyperthread, or HT)

Within a single CPU generation, these specifications give us a clear idea of ​​performance. This does not work, however, when comparing components with very different release dates, since apart from these characteristics, improvements in the architecture of the chips lie. Generally, the most modern models are significantly more efficient.

With that said, what CPU to buy is the real question. It all depends on what our needs are and the budget that we have established:

  • Very high-end gaming PC CPU. Within this group we find the different models of the AMD Ryzen Threadripper and Intel Core i9 X series. High-end gaming PC CPU. Enter the three gigahertz AMD Ryzen 7 CPUs, and some models of the Intel Core i7 and i5 series: from i7-9900k to i5-9700k. CPU for mid-range gaming PC. In this segment we find the AMD Ryzen 5 processors and certain models of the Intel Core i7, i5 and i3 series (Inter Core i7-7800x and higher, Intel Core i5-8400 and higher, and Intel Core i3-8100 and higher). CPU for low-end gaming PCs: AMD Ryzen 3 CPUs and APUs, as well as most Intel Core i3, very low denominations of i7 and i5, and Pentium G higher than the G4400, are among the CPUs to consider for computers very low budget.

Aside from the obvious differences based on specs and datasheets, it's worth knowing that AMD's processors are much faster and have better multi-core features, while Intel's are vastly superior in their single-core performance.

Motherboard (MOBO or motherboard )

After selecting the heart of our computer, it is necessary to choose a compatible motherboard. In general you will have to consult the catalogs of companies such as Gigabyte, ASUS, MSI, EVGA or ASRock, some of the most renowned manufacturers in this market.

And to make a decision, the characteristics that you will have to look at are:

  • Overclocking support . Overclocking is a procedure to increase the clock frequency of CPUs, RAM and GPUs, surpassing the basic characteristics given by the manufacturer. It has its pros and cons: Making the most of the potential of the component It allows to put old components at the level of newer models It eliminates any margin of safety Tangible risks due to excess temperature Loss of guarantee on those blocked components

Usually only high-end motherboards come standard unlocked by the manufacturer. Some examples are the Z series MOBOs for Intel processors, and the B or X series models for AMD CPUs.

  • Form factor. The size of the motherboard can be decisive when mounting each component on the tower. The most common sizes are: ATX, MATX and ITX. To these must be added standards such as Mini ITX, Micro ATX, E-ATX or SSI EEB, and non-standard MOBO form factors such as XL-ATX and HPTX. Connectivity. The number of ports is variable and depends on the size and chip with which the motherboard comes equipped. The number of PCI Express ports (2.0 and 3.0) varies between a single port and 24, SATA ports between 4 and 6, M.2 ports may or may not be present (reaching a maximum of 3), and in terms of USB 3.1 inputs (first and second generations), usually include at least 4, but in the most complete models they go up to 10. PCI ports are especially important for connecting elements such as the network card, the GPU, expansions for USB ports and plus. Memory. It is decisive for the proper functioning of the gaming PC that there are no incompatibilities between the motherboard and the memory. For this, special attention must be paid to the following characteristics:
    • Maximum memory supported Memory speed Multichannel compatibility or support Number of memory slots Memory position in the tower (if you are close to the CPU you may see reduced performance due to heat dissipated by the processor)
    Number of electrical outlets. It is directly related to the number of components to be connected to the motherboard (in addition to the essential components, elements such as fans, RGB controllers and the like).

It should be noted that each processor has a different type of plug, for Intel there are connectors LGA2066, LGA2011-3, LGA1150, LGA1151, LGA1155, LGA1156, BGA1364 and others already almost obsolete, while in AMD we can find AM2 +, AM3, AM · +, AM4, TR4 and other older options. Placing a connector into a different denomination plug can cause terminal damage to the component.

Finally, some other characteristics that may be of interest are:

  • Presence of Thunderbolt 3 ports DIMM surge reports Configuration options for cooling and lighting systems Presence of integrated Wi-Fi network card

Graphics card (GPU)

Although purely GPU is the acronym for the graphics processing unit (the chip that gives life to the graphics card), currently the term caters to both meanings, that of GPU strictly speaking and that of graphics card.

The GPU is the component with which gamers are most familiar, since its performance largely depends on the performance observed during games. It is considered the element that contributes the most to the entire PC gaming , so its proper selection is decisive.

The purpose of the GPU is to render the images that reach the screen, with the video characteristics and screen ratio specified by the user. The higher the demands on resolution, frames per second, stability, real-time rendered or illuminated elements and similar requests, the better the graphics card will have to be.

The most important specifications to select a good GPU that is suitable for the use that is going to give it in the gaming PC are:

  • Clock frequency. It has the same function as in processors. It gives an indication of the speed with which it interprets and generates the visual information, although it is less significant than in the CPUs. It should only count as decisive features when comparing two cards from the same series. VRAM or Video RAM. Random access graphics memory is a type of RAM memory specialized in the transmission of visual information. One of its most important features is that this data can be accessed from two devices at the same time (which is why it is often known as dual-ported ). There are several standards, but for a gaming PC the interesting ones are GDDR5 and higher (GDDR5X, GDDR6), or the HBM and HBM2 (with higher bandwidths and stacking capacity, but lower clock frequencies and compatibility). Regarding the amount of memory required, two gigabytes brings us to acceptable 1080p performance, four gigabytes is suitable for high definition and 1440p, while with six gigabytes we enter the domain of the high-end designed for VR, 4K and 1440p at High Definition. Size. Larger graphics cards tend to have better cooling characteristics and lower noise emissions. However, many of the PC cases available on the market today are too small to accommodate the largest GPUs. Integrated cooling elements can take up so much space that they block one or more ports on the motherboard, especially when using small form factors for MOBAs (mini and micro). With size we must also consider the weight, which can subject physical connections (PCI Express) to additional efforts, which, over time, could lead to contact problems or breakdown. For weights significantly higher than the kilogram, the use of graphics card support clamps is recommended. Connectivity. As standard, it is rare that GPUs do not include at least a DisplayPort and an HDMI connection. If more outputs of this type, or other formats such as DVI-D (for older monitors), are needed, it is necessary to ensure beforehand that the GPU has such connections. Consumption. The GPU is one of the elements with the highest energy demand in the computer. Power can be provided through one or more eight-pin PEG connectors, and not all power supplies are equipped with multiple PEGs. The compatibility with the PSU and the energy expenditure of the gaming PC as a whole have to be taken into account when opting for one card or another. Memory bus bandwidth. Two methodologies are used, the best option being an intermediate point between the two:
    • Large bandwidth and low speeds. Large volumes of memory are accessed, but the intervals between memory accesses are long, lower bandwidth with higher speeds. It has the opposite characteristics to the previous point.

Currently higher speeds are of interest since bandwidth is not decisive unless 2560 x 1600 or higher resolution monitors are used.

  • SLI compatibility. The SLI or Scalable Link Interface is an algorithm used in graphics processes that allows the connection of two or more graphics cards so that their performance increases.

The assortment of options in the GPU market is very large. The two most famous brands are Nvidia and AMD. Depending on the performance of the GPU, we can establish a technological hierarchy, which logically corresponds to the different market segments.

  • Very high-end gaming PC GPU. We find here the ray-tracing models that have just appeared on the market, as well as the most powerful cards of the previous generation; Namely: Nvidia's RTX 2080, RTX 2070, and GeForce GTX 1080 family, Nvidia's Titan RTX, V, and X, as well as AMD's Radeon VII. GPU for high-end gaming PC. There are lower models here from the AMD and Nvidia catalogs such as the GeForce RTX 1070, GeForce RTX 1660 and GeForce RTX 1060 (basic and Ti versions) of the latter house; or the Radeon RX Vega 64, Radeon RX Vega 56, Radeon RX 590 and Radeon RX 580 from AMD. GPU for mid-range gaming PC. Below the Nvidia GeForce RTX 1050 and AMD Radeon RX 570 series, and within the previous generation models, we can find graphics with acceptable features and very low prices. GPU for low-end gaming PC. We are talking about dated hardware that is more than a generation old, such as the GT, GTS, GSO ranges and below 1000 designations of the GTX for Nvidia, and the R9, R7, HD and X ranges from AMD.


Random access memory is the third most important component in a gaming PC. The performance of the CPU depends on this element.

The most relevant characteristics when choosing are:

  • Number of channels. Single channel RAM will form a bottleneck in the processor. For this reason it is usually discarded unless there is no other choice. Multichannel memories can be two or four channels. Although its effect is not as noticeable during the game, they help many other tasks that may be running at the same time (video recording, telecommunications, live broadcast, real-time rendering ) to be carried out without problem. Speed Higher RAM speed is always desirable, but far from being a simple specification to understand and use, RAM speed in turn depends on several factors:
    • Clock frequency. As in other cases discussed in previous sections, it reports the processing speed of the received orders. CAS (Column Access Strobe) or CL latency. Measures the delay between the arrival of a command and the issuance of the same in RAM. It is a very important factor, since it can prevail over the clock frequency. Number of instructions per second. It is the ratio between the clock frequency and the first number in the CAS string. This is the true value of memory speed. The higher the result, the faster the memory will be. Overcloking . It is often possible to speed up memory performance through the motherboard BIOS.

It is recommended that if multiple RAM units are used in the gaming PC, all of them have similar real speed metrics. Slight incompatibilities may appear otherwise.

  • Bandwidth. It indicates what is the maximum volume of memory that can be emitted at each moment. Capacity. The amount of available RAM is the specification that has the greatest effect on the system. The absolute minimum in a gaming setup is currently 4 megabytes. In order to play the most demanding titles that have hit the market lately we already need about 8 gigabytes. The perfect point is in the 16 gigabytes, some analysts think that with this amount we are covered at least for the next five years in terms of memory requirements by triple AAA releases. Higher capacities (32 and 64 gigabytes) are relegated to productivity-oriented applications rather than gaming . Memory standard. DDR3 SDRAM memory is no longer worth it. In current gaming PCs, the various DDR4 standards (1600, 1866, 2133, 2400 and 2666) prevail, which are much faster. The appearance of DDR5 is imminent, expected in early 2020 and will be the new default choice for very high-performance computers (twice as fast and up to 128 gigabytes of memory).

Storage drives (SSD, SSHD, or hard drive / HDD)

Direct-attached storage units occupy the free disk bays in the tower. The number of units that can be installed limits the available memory space unless you choose to use DAS, NAS and SAN devices.

The fundamental differences between SSD and HHD derive from the technology used. Whereas on the traditional hard disk there is a rotor, a magnetic disk and a reading needle, the SSD is based on flash memory with no moving parts. The SSD is much faster, but it cannot contain volumes of information as large as HDDs. Another advantage of solid state drives is that they have no moving parts; therefore, they consume less electricity, generate less noise, boast greater durability and have less residual heat dissipation. The big disadvantage is that its price is higher.

For a gaming PC in which the comfort when turning on the computer and the speed in starting the game are important aspects, it is worth an SSD that allows you to install at least the operating system. Of course, it is even better if the files and executables of the title we are playing can be placed in it.

To maintain a large library of games it is best to have a good number of hard drives. Those of 12 terabytes are the order of the day, but soon the 16Tb models will begin to become general.

If you opt for solutions for datahoarding external to the computer, then the crème de la crème is to opt for a DAS SSD expansion unit with high speed of information transfer. A system like this can be very interesting for those who make recordings or broadcasts of their games. For the rest of users it is, without a doubt, overkill .

Network card (NIC / RJ45)

A bad network card can introduce unwanted latencies into the connection. Choosing a motherboard that integrates the NIC reduces the possibilities of customization and action on these types of assumptions. In any case, the ping observed during games is usually not reducible with a better network card. The only instances in which this is so are:

  • When there are latencies greater than one millisecond between the equipment and the router When there are latencies greater than 10 milliseconds between the router and the first router of the ISC When the connection is being saturated When daily variations in latency are detected (competition of resources in the pre-established channels)

The network card must be chosen in such a way as to take full advantage of the available internet connection. For speeds above 100 megabits per second, the use of PCIe Gigabit Ethernet is required, and with speeds above Gb / s, 10GbE cards become a necessity.

Refrigeration system

The easiest thing is to opt for the use of fans. Their number, however, will depend on a plethora of specific conditions that precludes making general recommendations. Some of the issues to consider when dealing with this problem are:

  • Presence and quantity of particles in suspension in the passenger compartment. If the atmosphere where the gaming PC is located is dirty, it is preferable to use a single fan and carry out regular cleaning. Average temperatures of the town and the stay. Thermal conditions are not the same throughout the seasons, much less considering remote geographical locations. Knowing what the extreme temperatures are in our area (especially the maximum ones) will help to better size this problem. Hardware consumption. A higher consumption corresponds to a greater number of fans so that the air flow is able to evacuate the dissipated heat. CPU and GPU usage percentage. If the full potential is demanded of the processor and the graphics card, the temperatures in these elements can approach 100 degrees Celsius. If, on the other hand, the gaming PC is oversized, the temperature will be much lower. Depending on the case, more or less fans will be required. Overclocking . Directly related to the previous point. If the hardware elements are requested to perform above their nominal capacity, it is logical to think that there will be overheating. Design of the hardware elements. Some designs are more efficient than others at relocating hot air masses, this is especially true for GPUs. Corrugated, radiated, pleated and apertured covers are more efficient in thermal transmission than smooth closed casings.

In general, most PC gaming solutions will require two or three fans. This number may be much higher, however.

If the use of fans is very cumbersome, liquid cooling has its advantages. On the one hand it is much more efficient and silent. In exchange for these two pros, we face a very dangerous disadvantage: a bad installation can ruin all the equipment due to leaks or breaks in the refrigerant circuit. A little recommended solution for newbies.

Power supply (PSU)

The choice of the power supply is really simple. We just have to consider what is the consumption of all the other elements connected to the computer and choose a model that suits our needs. At this point it should be remembered that if the components are overclocked , they will increase their consumption.

For this, it will be necessary to guarantee that the chosen SKU has enough PEG sockets, and that the number of pins of the same matches the hardware elements that will be connected there.

It is worth staying away from unknown brands that offer incredible prices as these are very often PSUs with poor voltage control and poor reliability, which can compromise the rest of the system. It is better to trust the good work of houses like Corsair, EVGA or SeaSonic when it comes to PSU.

Component efficiency is another factor to investigate. The higher this is, the more the actual consumption will be adjusted to the nominal of the components and the lower the losses due to heat dissipation.

Tower or PC case

Selecting the PC case is very simple. You have to start from the form factor of the base plate and see if the dimensions of the associated tower are sufficient to house the rest of the accessories.

The design of the enclosure also plays a very important role in the choice of the tower. Solutions with louvers or openings that facilitate the passage of air currents driven by the fans are preferred.

The aesthetic also has its place in this section, but to optimize the results, it should be subject to the technical needs of the build .

Various peripherals

Ergonomics and input latency are the priority considerations when selecting peripherals such as keyboard or mouse, even more so when a gaming PC is being selected for use in the competitive setting.

Mechanical keyboards are much more expensive, but they are also more reliable and customizable. The same goes for gaming mice, which come standard equipped with numerous additional buttons and software that allows you to configure all kinds of details that will make our lives easier in competitive video games.

If we can afford to complete the computer with a high-quality monitor, we will give preference first to models with high refresh rates: the 144 fps monitors offer unmatched image fluidity. If this is not possible, the basic option for gaming applications is 1080p60 screens. 1440p and 4K monitors at higher refresh rates remain for the high-end spectrum. Latency is another aspect to take into account when choosing a screen, gaming models usually have a minimum contribution to this type of lag .

Finally, to embroider the gaming rig , the audiophile headband headphones with integrated microphone offer a magnificent solution to the audio section.

Final words and conclusion about PC Gaming

Assembling a gaming PC is a laborious process in which patience shines as a virtue. To obtain a satisfactory result, it is necessary to take the time necessary to investigate and compare the different elements on the market.

We recommend reading our tutorials and settings regarding the PC:

  • Basic PC Settings Advanced PC Settings / Gaming Enthusiastic PC Settings Silent PC Settings

We hope that this article will serve as a reference base to create your own gaming team.


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