
Playstation 4 ends support to link a facebook account

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A PlayStation 4 feature that many users saw as positive was the ability to link a Facebook account to the console. This allowed some functions like sharing screenshots or adding friends. But this function now comes to an end, as it has been known. Since it will no longer support it. This news has been communicated from Sony.

PlayStation 4 ends support for linking a Facebook account

Since yesterday this support was terminated. So it will no longer be possible to link to a Facebook account or have access to these functions.

End of support

In this case, the reason for this end of support comes from Facebook and not from PlayStation 4. The social network announced it a few months ago, when it said that companies like Sony and Microsoft were accessing certain synchronization services, which gave them access to data. private. So they were forced to eliminate these types of functions, something that is already happening.

Users now only have the option of using Twitter to have functions like the ones they had in the case of Facebook. Although the doubt for many is whether the same will not happen in this other social network, but at the moment it does not seem to be so.

In any case, if you used this function to link Facebook with your PlayStation 4, it is no longer possible to use it anymore. A function that many users have enjoyed for quite some time, and that unfortunately comes to an end now.

Source PlayStation Forum


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