
Playstation 4 pro falls short before assassin's creed origins

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Assassin's Creed Origins has been the latest release of great importance for the current generation of game consoles and PCs, so it is time to review its performance and graphic quality on Sony machines.

Assassin's Creed Origins drowns the PlayStation 4 Pro

Assassin's Creed Origins is a graphic wonder, which is combined with a not too brilliant optimization with which we can already imagine that the current video consoles are going to sweat in order to maintain a stable framerate. Digital Foundry tests confirm this with a PS4 that suffers constant framerate drops to even 20 FPS, which is far from being an optimal experience. As for the resolution, it moves dynamically between 1080p and 792p, so it cannot keep 1080p or 30 FPS stable.

We go to the PS4 Pro and we find a somewhat more stable framerate but also with very important drops at times of higher graphics load, the resolution in this case ranges between 1584p and 1350p, so it is confirmed once again that the 4K is too big for Sony.

Beyond that, both versions look almost identical with practically null graphic differences. For now they have not shown us the version of Xbox One X that may be the best of all, although we doubt that it is capable of keeping the 30 FPS stable and much less reaching 4K.

A pretty bad performance although it does not surprise us since it is a game that on PC is also being very demanding with hardware and even a GTX 1080 suffers to maintain 60 FPS at higher resolutions than 1080p.


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