
We might never see graphics cards at 20nm


It appears that TSMC is having far more problems than anticipated with its 20nm chip-making node , which could cause both Nvidia and AMD to skip that manufacturing process and jump directly to 16nm in 2016.

There are fundamentally two reasons why we might never see graphics cards with GPUs manufactured at 20nm, on the one hand there is the large amount of heat generated by the GPUs and the high power consumption that would make it very difficult to control the current leaks that occur. on the chip and therefore would not be viable. This does not happen with chips with low consumption and generated heat like the A8 and A8X from Apple.

The other cause is the large size of the GPUs, especially the high-end ones, which would cause great economic losses to AMD and Nvidia due to the high failure rate that would occur in the manufacture of the chips. Again this problem is much less important in smaller and simpler chips like the ones we have mentioned before from Apple, in this case if you can take advantage of a good number of chips from each silicon wafer.

For this reason, Nvidia and AMD may have to continue dealing with the 28nm until the arrival of the new process at 16nm of TSMC scheduled for 2016, provided that there are no major setbacks also with the 16nm…

Source: fudzilla


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