
Where can electric scooters ride?

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Electric scooters are one of the most popular products today. They have become one of the best ways to get around the city. Since it allows you to reach your destination quickly, in addition to avoiding parking problems. Although more and more are being sold, many users have doubts when using them. Because it is not well known where these vehicles can circulate.

Where can electric scooters ride?

In this aspect there is a legal vacuum. The rapid advancement of electric scooters has caught many by surprise. Therefore, the place where they can circulate changes from one city to another. A different regulation has been introduced in each one.


Madrid has been one of the first cities to introduce some rules for the circulation of electric scooters. In their case, they must circulate in residential streets at a maximum speed of 20 km / h. Also on the bike path, protected bike paths, bike tracks, bike sidewalks and bike paths. That is, the same places where you can use a bicycle in the Spanish capital, to make it easier to understand.

Driving on the sidewalk or driveway is not permitted at any time. In the case of electric scooters for rent, a helmet must be worn as a mandatory requirement. In addition, you must be at least 15 years old to be able to access the rental of one.

Barcelona and Valencia

As in the case of Madrid, in Barcelona they must circulate along the bicycle lane, both those located on the sidewalk and those on the road. Although depending on the type of bike lane, the speed at which they can circulate is different. In the case of the bicycle lanes on the sidewalk, the maximum speed is 10 km / h. While in roadways it is a maximum of 30 km / h.

The situation in Valencia is the same as in Barcelona. So you can ride electric scooters on the bike lanes in the city. In this case, the maximum speed allowed is 30 km / h, as we have been able to know.

We recommend you read the best electric scooters

In general, we are seeing how each city draws up its regulations over time. Although the advancement of electric scooters is still somewhat controversial in many cases. The most normal thing is that you can circulate with them on the bike lanes. Although top speed is something that changes from one city to another. Also at a European level we are seeing how cities have some problems when it comes to adapting to the advancement of this medium. Although in almost all cases it is bet that they circulate in the bicycle lane.


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