
Electric scooters: dgt regulations

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Electric scooters are here to stay. This is already a fact, which we can also see in cities. Their presence has increased significantly over the months. Therefore, regulations have to be created in this regard, with which to regulate their circulation. The DGT itself already has regulations in this regard.

Electric scooters: DGT regulation

We can see how many organizations, in addition to local or national governments, have to adapt at great speed to the advance that these vehicles have had. What causes regulations to be in development or to be changed as more knowledge or control over their use is gained.

DGT Regulation on Electric Scooters

Electric scooters are seen as VMP (personal mobility vehicles) by the DGT. Although it is established that it is each city council that must establish the norms. Therefore, deciding where they should drive, the maximum speed they can use, etc. From the field of traffic legislation they are seen as vehicles. This has a couple of important implications.

On the one hand, they are not seen as pedestrians. So electric scooters cannot ride on sidewalks, or other spaces reserved for pedestrians. Although neither can they be considered or classified as motor vehicles, according to the DGT. This is due to the specifications of these products.

On the other hand, electric scooters are going to be physically located in the area of ​​the road, as long as they are expressly authorized by each local authority. So they can authorize their circulation on sidewalks, pedestrian zones, parks or enable special lanes with the prohibitions and limitations that they consider necessary to guarantee the safety of road users.

To use electric scooters it is not necessary to have some kind of driving license or license. Nor is there an obligation to insure the vehicle, unlike other types. Although if users who own one consider it appropriate to insure it, they have the possibility to do so. But this is something on an individual basis.

In addition, those electric scooters intended for leisure or tourist activities, such as companies that rent this type of vehicle in cities, must first have the authorization of the corresponding municipal authorities. In addition, the route and hours in which it is possible to use these services must be expressed.

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This is the current DGT regulations in the field of electric scooters. Although seeing the great progress they are having, it is likely that over the months we will see changes in this regard. But at least, they are rules that throw enough clarity at users.


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