
Why invest Facebook ads?

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Developing a Facebook marketing strategy, for most companies, is the best solution. This is mainly due to the potential of this network, which is considered the largest in Latin America and in the world in number of active users.

The advantages of having your brand on Facebook are numerous: without a doubt, the most attractive factor that makes entrepreneurs to advertise online is the cost / benefit it offers.

In addition to the time and energy required to keep your fan page active and engage the audience, reserve funds for investing in Facebook ads is critical to speeding up and expanding results. Do you want to better understand why? Take a look at 5 reasons to invest in the tool!

Increase your page engagement

Due to recent updates, the organic Facebook range greatly reduces. This means that fewer fans have received your news feeds, updates from your company in a spontaneous way, which consequently reduces user participation on your website. The reason is that the update of the network algorithm, EdgeRank, which determines that the publications reach the user as relevance and affinity of their content to him. Currently, it is estimated that, on average, only 3% of their fans receive this information.

Investing in Facebook ads, therefore, becomes crucial to take the content developed for your company to a greater number of fans and therefore increase your engagement with your page.

Increase traffic to your website

With Facebook Ads, you can still run campaigns that generate and increase traffic to your site. Through highly targeted ads, you stimulate visits to your site, which contributes to the knowledge of your brand, your products or services and, therefore, increases sales conversions and brand recognition (the capacity of a potential customer has recognizes that particular brand offers goods and services in certain segments).

Encourage the purchase of products and services

A very effective strategy enabled by Facebook ads is creating campaigns to encourage the purchase of your company's products and services. You can promote to your fans, who have already shown an affinity for your brand and logo, what you sell; or for a new audience, with the marketing possibilities of the service. Promotion offers the fairly common tool and can be an excellent resource for stimulating the first shopping experience and, consequently, customer loyalty.

There is also the option of remarketing: Facebook Exchange. With the feature, you reach the potential customer who has accessed your site before in search of a certain product or service, but the conversion (purchase) has not been applied, encouraging them to make the transaction abandoned.

Attract new customers for your business

With the high targeting power of Facebook ad service, your company has a great ally in attracting new customers. For this you can use various types of market advertising, the network offers different ad formats for different purposes.

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This attraction can come, for example, in the form of sponsored stories, stimulating the conversion of users into fans and the work done by your company, making them become customers. Whatever your public attraction strategy, the ideal is to carefully research and analyze the profile of consumers that you want for your company to attract and define the ad format that best appeals to your behavior.

Payment options

The other form of payment is very advantageous and attractive to invest in Facebook ads aspect: to advertise the tool, there is a need to pay only for conversions made. In other words, you only pay for the results obtained. This is because the most common type of payment is based on CPC (cost per click). There are also, in some formats, CPM (cost per thousand impressions), regarding the payment of an amount per 1000 impressions of your ad.

And does your company already invest in Facebook ads? How were the results?


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