
Intel to invest $ 7 billion in a 7nm chip plant

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Intel is beginning to anticipate the next generation of 7nm processors, which should probably hit us in 2020-2021. The semi-conductor giant plans to invest more than 7, 000 million dollars in Fab 24, a new factory that will be located in the United States and that will be in charge of manufacturing 7 nanometer chips for all kinds of devices.

Fab 24 is the new Intel factory for 7nm

The chips manufactured in 7 nanometers will be used in the most sophisticated equipment, data centers, sensors and other high-tech devices, such as advanced cars or transportation services using artificial intelligence, also in the field of medicine. What interests us most is precisely the new generation of processors that will replace the current Kaby Lake or the future Cannonlake, this one with a 10 nanometer process. This huge new factory located in Arizona is going to be finished between 2020 and 2021, so we intuit that we will not see any 7nm processor until then.

Fab 24 will be ready in 3 or 4 years

The start of Fab 24 was announced on February 8 by Intel CEO Brian Krzanich at the White House itself, with the approval of President-elect Donald Trump. There are going to be 7, 000 million dollars that are going to be invested in this factory and they are going to employ more than 3, 000 engineers and executives.

See our guide on the best processors on the market

As a curious fact, Intel had been one of the many technology companies that opposed Donald Trump's anti-immigration measure. Without going any further, the founder of Intel, Andrew S. Grove, was a Hungarian immigrant who had survived the holocaust and who came to the United States in the mid-1950s. Today Intel is one of the most important American companies in the world.


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