Questions and advice before installing windows 10

Table of contents:
- Is Windows 10 Technical Preview recommended for me?
- What problems can occur if Windows 10 is installed?
- Can I go back to the operating system I previously used?
- What requirements should your computer have to install and use Windows 10?
- The hardware requirements to install Windows 10 are:
- What languages is Windows 10 Technical Preview available in?
With the launch of Windows 10 trial download, it's good to know a few details and questions before installing the operating system. Microsoft has released to download the Technical Preview version of Windows 10 . As its name suggests, it is a technical version for developers and enthusiasts who can test the new operating system.
If you sign up for the Windows 10 Technical Preview program with inside information, you'll be able to access what's new that often comes first, and you can also use the Windows Feedback app to submit suggestions on how Windows 10 could be improved in your opinion.
Is Windows 10 Technical Preview recommended for me?
If you are a computer specialist, programmer, work with Windows or are curious to see how the new Windows 10 is, it can be said that it is recommended for you.
But you should know how to do at least the following:
A backup to your computer, hard drives and the format to install Windows from scratch (except if you want to install on virtual machines);
Know how to reinstall the old operating system in case you really need to;
Know the basic and common of computer problems;
Do not install it on a computer for your daily use, as it is a beta version;
What problems can occur if Windows 10 is installed?
As we have already mentioned Windows 10 Technical Preview is a trial version and still has a long way to go. This can cause the following problems on your computer:
-Unexpected accidents (blue screens) and loss of files;
-Some programs do not work correctly, including antivirus and others;
-Video cards, printers, and other external hardware may not be compatible and may not function properly;
-There may be difficulties in accessing national corporate networks;
-Damage to any of the files;
It is recommended to install in a virtual machine so that many of these problems, mainly the loss of files do not occur, because the virtual machine isolates the operating system from your main system.
Still Microsoft often accesses your system files when an error occurs so you can find out what's going on and prepare Windows 10 for the general public. So if you have sensitive files or if privacy is a determining factor, think carefully before installing the system on your computer (unless you use it in the virtual machine that prevents you from accessing your files).
Can I go back to the operating system I previously used?
If you have a means of communication or recovery center that normally accompanies the computers, it will be able to recover the version of Windows that you previously had.
Windows 7 or Vista: It is recommended to create a recovery media from a partition or use that comes with the computer, usually provided by the manufacturer;
Windows 8 or 8.1: You must create a USB recovery drive;
If you install Windows 10 in a VMWare or VirtualBox virtual machine it will not be necessary to use the recovery procedures, since the operating system will run in a virtual environment inside your current Windows, Linux or Mac.
What requirements should your computer have to install and use Windows 10?
It is not possible to install Windows 10 on tablets and computers with 86x (32 and 64 bit) processors, standard processors used in PCs. There is still no version 10 for Windows for ARM processors.
The hardware requirements to install Windows 10 are:
You may need internet access. And if you want to access the Windows repository and use the system applications in the store, the resolution of your monitor must be at least 1024 x 768 pixels.
What languages is Windows 10 Technical Preview available in?
Microsoft has released downloadable versions in the United States and simplified versions of English, United Kingdom English, Chinese and Spanish from Spain.
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