
They present amazon go, the new stores without ATMs or queues

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Amazon wants to revolutionize the commerce industry with the Amazon Go initiative, supermarkets where there are no cash registers or queues to buy.

Amazon claims to have worked on this concept for about 4 years and the first store to be located in Seattle (United States) is already planned.

Amazon Go will have its first store in Seattle

To access the store, we must download an application for the phone that will give us a QR code, this code enables us to enter the store where we can buy any product just by taking it from the shelves. Each product we take is automatically added to our credit card and the receipt is sent to our mobile phone for us to check. It is not necessary to go through the ATM or queue, you just go in, take any product and leave.

To accomplish this, Amazon will identify shoppers by scanning their QR code as they walk, and will use sensors and computer vision technology to determine what items they have taken. The Amazon-patented concept is called “Just Walk Out” and will first be launched in Seattle, Washington, where Amazon's headquarters is located.

The new Amazon Go concept seems to be the future of large supermarkets, a more convenient way of shopping for most people, although this could also mean the loss of many jobs in the future.


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