Prime95 custom: check your cpu overclock in 2 hours

Today I bring you a tutorial on how to check if our processor is stable in 2 hours with Prime95 (Prime Number Stress Software).
Many users have used Prime95 during 12 and 24 to check the stability of the system. We bring you a little trick to have it stable in 2 hours in 90% of cases.
The blend mode is the most used and we have to leave it running for 10-12 hours:
We use the Custom option, which will leave the test in two hours:
Number of processors or threads: 4/6/8 or 12 (will depend on the processor).
Min FFT: 1792
Max FTT: 1792
Memory: 7000 (If you have 8GB of RAM) or 1500 (If you have 16GB).
Time FFT: 1 minute.
Press the "OK" button and if the screen does not freeze for two hours or it launches blue screens (BSOD) it will mean that our system is 100% stable. With this option we will save more than 10 hours of tests for each check.
The Professional Review team has verified this test on platforms 1155 and socket 2011 being 100% effective, using it as a test tool.
We also recommend software to monitor temperature (Core Temp) and voltage / speed (Cpu-Z) during tests.
More recommended tests
We recommend if you have more time to add these three tests.
- 4 hours Prime95 27.7 1344 FFTs + 15000 memory and time to execute each FFT in 5.
- 4 hours Prime95 27.7 Min 8 - Max 4096 FFTs + 15000 memory and time to execute each FFT in 10.25 passes with IntelBurnTestV2 with “Very High” profile
I hope the information is useful.
NOTE: I am not responsible for the damages that can be caused by a bad overclock or the misuse of this information.
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