
Amd ryzen processors hit 5ghz over the air

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We previously discussed the enthusiasm of motherboard makers with AMD's new Ryzen processors, as well as their performance that would be on par with Intel's i7. Thanks to new filtration, we can know that Ryzen can reach 5GHz over the air.

AMD Ryzen would have a great capacity of overclock

This leak was performed by the same site that leaked AMD Ryzen's first performance tests. The magazine revealed the information using binary codes, like an easter egg:


If we convert the binary to plain text, we find the following:

ZenOC @ Air = 5G

This means that they have managed to overclock the sample of the AMD processor at 5GHz over the air, without using other types of cooling materials such as watercoolers or liquid nitrogen. The voltage with which it is working is not indicated, but presumably the increase must be aggressive in order for it to be stable at that speed. To give us an idea, in the filtered review, the Ryzen processor that was used, was working at 3.15 and 3.30 GHz in Turbo mode. We do not know if it will be the same processor but if they achieve that degree of overclock over the air, we are facing something very promising.

In a matter of days we will be able to learn more about AMD processors when we see it at the CES 2017 event.


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