
X86 vs arm processors: main differences and benefits

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Processors can have a myriad of functions, but the main one is connected to our motherboard and thus be "the brain" of the machine where most of the information is processed. Still, these processors also have their differences from each other. We are going to know the difference between ARM and x86 processors.

In this article we will help you learn more about ARM and x86. Mainly these are the two most common processor families in our world. What are its strengths, weaknesses and applications? Prepared? Let's start!

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X86 processors vs ARM: main differences and benefits

Computer and mobile phone processors work in different ways, as each machine has its own specific needs and characteristics. In the case of computers, the main manufacturers are AMD and Intel, since the mobiles are represented by Qualcomm, Samsung or Media Tek.

Intel and AMD processors are also known as x86 processors. In computing, x86 or 80 × 86 is the generic name for the Intel 8086- based family of processors from Intel Corporation.

The architecture is called x86 because the first processors in this family were identified only by numbers ending with the sequence "86". In other words, we can say that the term x86 refers to a family of instruction set architecture, based on the Intel 8086.

The difference between ARM and x86

The difference begins in the technology used in manufacturing the processors. Smartphone systems use ARM technology, while computers use x86 technology. We have prepared a short explanation about the operation and characteristics of each one.

X86 processors and the CISC architecture

The x86 processors are developed from the CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers) architecture. This system is used for more complex structures, that is, they require more work in their functions and have more elements in their composition, making them ideal for computers.

An example of the complexity of the CSIC architecture can be the hardware of a Core 17 chip. Its composition is quite complete due to the large number of parts and elements, which consequently translates into more functions for the machine.

This type of processor allows multiple activities to occur at the same time from a single instruction. CISC processors can perform numerous tasks simultaneously without any of them being harmed, since these chips are already programmed for it.

ARM processors and the RISC architecture

The difference between ARM and x86 is mainly due to the complexity of its composition, while x86 is developed from a more complex architecture, an ARM processor is based on RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), which as the name itself he says, aims to be simpler.

Despite being more streamlined, ARM devices do have some x86 elements, although there is a lot of difference in the way the two processors execute their tasks.

While a CSIC processor demands only one command, ARM processors demand several commands so that some activity can be carried out. However, since the instructions are simpler, the process becomes faster.

The other difference between ARM technology and X86 is also found in some of the features. Computers perform tasks that mobiles do not perform and vice versa, so there is little point in offering a very complex processor for a smartphone with small functions. So there are some processors with unique characteristics.

The acronym ARM comes from Advanced Risc Machine, the name of the company created to license the manufacture of processors in this technology. The other difference with x86 processors is that ARMs are designed to have minimal power consumption and without much loss of processing power.

Incredible as it may seem, ARM processors are the most widely used in the world, ranging from microwave ovens to embedded control systems, toys, HD's and more. In short, everything has to be small, spend little energy and process information efficiently.

An ARM processor focuses on keeping the number of instructions as few as possible while also keeping those instructions as simple as possible.

Simple instructions have some advantages for both hardware and software engineers. Since the instructions are simple, the necessary circuits require fewer transistors, resulting in more space for the chip.

Intel 8086, the first x86 processor

Derived from this architecture, AMD has developed the x86-64, a large set of instructions that allowed for more address space, allowing more RAM to be read, among other implementations.

This was accomplished in the first place by creating a much simpler architecture than x86 processors. The x86 have several stages of processing, that is, while one part loads an instruction into memory, another part processes the data that this instruction is going to receive, another allocates the cache to receive the output, another provides the other instructions to be completed, etc.

Until putting everything together and giving the result. The x86 also have an internal program (microcode) that implements the instructions, which allows them to be improved by the manufacturer. All of this makes the x86 very fast and efficient, yet it consumes more physical space and consumes more power.

The efficiency of ARM processors

ARM processors do not have this microcode, they have fewer processing stages (generally 3 to 8, compared to 16 to 32 in x86), among other simplifications. But to compensate for the loss in performance caused by simplifying the ARM architecture, they have some solutions that make code execution more efficient.

For example, the set of instructions it is capable of processing, by doing it with more data per instruction. For these reasons, PC programs cannot be run in ARM, because the machine instructions are different.

The difference in practice

If you use a web browser on a computer, you will have the possibility to work with a much greater number of open tabs without there being no stops: you can count on resources such as the division of the screen, playing videos and audios with speeds, among other details.

On the other hand, with a smartphone, the number of functions is reduced, you cannot work with many tabs and the speed is also less.

Differences in electricity consumption

Power consumption in embedded designs may be one of the most important criteria. A system that is designed to connect to a power source, such as the utility grid, can typically ignore the limitations of power consumption, but a mobile design (or one connected to an unreliable power source) may be entirely dependent on management. of energy.

ARM cores excel in low-power designs with many (if not most) of their cores not requiring heatsinks. Its typical power consumption is less than 5W, with many packages including GPUs, peripherals, and memory.

This small power dissipation is only possible thanks to the fewer transistors used and the relatively lower speeds (compared to common desktop CPUs). But again (related to the previous section) this has an impact on system performance and therefore more complex operations will take longer.

Intel cores consume much more power than ARM cores due to their greater complexity. A high-end Intel I-7 can consume up to 130W of power, while Intel notebook processors (such as Atom and Celeron) consume around 5W.

Designed for the use of very low-cost laptops, the lower power consumption processors (the Atom line) do not integrate graphics in the processor, while the mobile versions do. However, those that integrate graphics have significantly lower clock speeds (between 300 MHz and 600 MHz), resulting in lower performance.

Differences in software

When it comes to the two big names in the processor market, comparing the availability of software and tool chains is difficult, as both are widely used.

ARM-based devices have the advantage of running operating systems designed for mobiles like Android. Intel-based devices have the advantage of running virtually any operating system that can run on a standard desktop computer, including Windows and Linux.

Both devices can potentially run the same applications as long as the application has been compiled in a language like Java.

However, ARM-based systems are currently limited in what operating systems can be installed because most operating systems are being written for x86-based computers.

Some Linux distributions exist for ARM, including the famous Raspberry Pi operating system, but some users may find this as a limitation. As ARM technology is becoming increasingly popular, Microsoft released a slimmed down version of its Windows 10 called Windows 10 IoT Core, which can run on ARM processors.

Differences in application

The processor you use will depend on the requirements of your computer. If your plan is to mass-produce a single-plate machine whose goal is to be low cost then the only real option is ARM.

If the plan is to have a powerful platform, then Intel or AMD is the best option. If power conservation is a concern, then ARM may be the best option, but there are Intel processors that boast strong processing power while providing low power dissipation.

We recommend reading the best processors on the market

For projects that don't require complex displays (like monitors), ARM is most likely the option. This comes down to several factors, including the cost of ARM microcontrollers, what packages are available, and the wide variety offered by multiple vendors. We recommend that you take a look at everything we have written about Raspberry Pi 3.

Overall, both Intel and ARM produce wonderful machines with a wide range of integrated controllers and peripherals. Each type, ARM or x86, fits in its own niche. Although information is already leaking that both Apple and Microsoft will use in their concepts of "2-in-1 tablets" this type of processors and considerably increase the autonomy of portable equipment. What do you think about our article on x86 processors vs ARM? We want to know your opinion!


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