
Air purifier, what is it for? What are its advantages?

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Common sense would say that the air outside the home is more polluted than that inside an environment. With pollution from the exhaust systems of cars around the world and from the chimneys of industries, it is normal to believe that it is best to protect yourself in your own home, away from that type of threat to health.

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Air purifier

But the situation is not exactly like this. Inside our houses we are exposed to a greater amount of pollutants than in the external environment.

Inside the house we are exposed to various toxic chemical compounds, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), volatile organic compounds (Covs), Bisphenol-A (BPA), perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), fluoropolymers, phthalates and even metals heavy. All these compounds can be found in a variety of products of our daily life.

All this without counting the particulate material, mold, bacteria, viruses, animal hair, insect remains and all kinds of dirt you can imagine. Even when you find all this outside the home, the big difference is in the fact that, on the street, dirt can be dispersed thanks to the wind, unlike what happens in closed environments.

In a house where there is dust, mites, hairs, kitchen fumes, animal odors and poor ventilation, it is true that the air quality is not going to be the best. And this happens in all houses. The vast majority of the air that you and your family breathe every day is neither pure nor clean.

Preventing allergic reactions like common sneezing and tears in the eyes, and mainly the most serious situations of chronic diseases like asthma or migraines is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

It is imperative to ensure the quality of the indoor air to which we are constantly subjected. Between home and work, 90% of the air we breathe per day is between four walls. Worrying!

What are air purifiers?

Air purifiers are essential devices to have at home. These devices have the ability to remove potential airborne pollutants from a certain area of ​​your home or, why not, the workplace.

Despite the possible doubts that may exist about the importance of these devices, it must be borne in mind that the concept behind their use is grounded and, therefore, should not be neglected.

Removing pollutants from the air helps people with asthma or allergy- related problems to help them breathe easier.

Due to the existing filters in air purifiers, it is possible to eliminate contaminants such as dust, smoke, animal hair, pollen, among others, so if you are not yet familiar with the benefits and advantages of these devices and you suffer from respiratory problems such as those mentioned, you must do it quickly, to improve your condition and enjoy a little comfort while you are at home.

What is an air purifier for?

In addition to providing more breathable air with purification, it increases the thermal comfort of an environment.

A purifier should exist in any home where the elderly, babies, children or people suffering from asthma and allergies live or spend a long time. It is a complementary equipment to other air conditioning devices, such as a dehumidifier or air conditioning.

It will also solve some of the unintended harmful effects caused by air conditioning equipment. This is because, by maintaining a comfortable environment in our homes, in particular, with temperatures between 19 and 23 degrees, we are closer to creating conditions for the appearance of various parasites such as dust mites, fungi, viruses and bacteria.

And this is where the role of the purifier comes in, to put the air in a room or house back to the ideal place to be breathed by the human beings who live there.

The advantages of air purifiers

The use of these devices has a series of advantages that, later, are reflected in the health of people who live or work in the place where they are located, as well as in their ability to breathe, once they:

  • They clean the air of all allergy-causing particles and impurities. They can suck up any potential smoke in the air. They remove approximately 99% of dust particles larger than 0.3 microns. They remove various contaminants in addition to dust, hairs animals or pollen.

These are its main advantages, which can significantly improve air quality and, therefore, people's breathing, at the same time that they combat allergies and other problems that interfere with well-being in everyday life.

Other advantages:

  • Quality of breathing: As obvious as it may seem, many people do not have quality air at home. And what is worse, the polluted air inside the house is much more evil than in the street in general. Therefore, having an air purifier at home is essential to maintain your health and that of your family. Cleaner environment: The air contains many polluting substances, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. So a good air purifier can be very helpful for this purpose. Preserved Health: Everything that has been cited here is intended to improve overall health. The better the air quality, the better your breathing will be. In addition, large respiratory problems can be avoided if, in closed environments, we have quality in the air we breathe. Eliminate unpleasant odors: Much of the bad odors in the environments come from polluting elements present in the place. Good air purifiers can remove bad odors from environments.

The quality of the air we breathe is one of the principles of comprehensive health. Have a good air purifier in your home to enjoy these benefits.

However, before buying a device like this, you should be aware of its limitations as well.

The disadvantages of air purifiers

As for the disadvantages associated with the use of air purifiers, they are not very clear, however, even so, it should be borne in mind that these devices require frequent maintenance and cleaning, in addition to the fact that they can produce ions and ozone.

Despite being very effective in removing pollutants and impurities from the air, they are not always effective in removing odors and gases due to the greater difficulty in removing these pollutants.

So when you buy a device with these characteristics, you should be aware of its limitations, considering both its advantages and disadvantages, so that you have realistic expectations and you can buy an air purifier knowing in advance what you can expect from it.

How an air purifier works

Once placed in an area of ​​your home where it does not disturb, the air is filtered in different and successive phases, when different types of filters capture the various air pollutants, according to their sizes.

After filtering, the air is returned to the environment, already purified. This renewal of the air will be constant.

Air purifier, air conditioner or dehumidifier?

This is one of the questions that may arise, since they have different basic functions from each other. But as they say: there are products with functions for all tastes.

A purifier cleans the air by means of filter systems that retain the particles to be removed in suspension. A dehumidifier removes the water in the air as steam, which returns it without the initial moisture. Air conditioning mainly interferes with the ambient temperature to make it ideal.

Now, what happens in most cases is that these teams end up complementing each other. There are dehumidifiers that include a mechanism of air purifiers and air conditioners that remove moisture from the air, for example. While air purifiers are dedicated only to purifying the air.

Therefore, the choice of the correct device will depend on the function you are looking for and your budget.

Five types of air purifiers

The first and simplest is the filter. Generally found in air conditioners and ventilation and heating systems, it purifies the air as it passes through it.

Impurities are trapped in the filter itself, usually made of foam, cotton, fiberglass, and other synthetic fibers. Even some filters being washable, must be changed from time to time, which leads to the generation of non-recyclable waste.

The most efficient of all types of purifiers is the HEPA filter, which stands for 'high efficiency particulate air filter'. It can be made of any type of material.

The second type of purifier uses technology based on ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Studies show that UV rays have the ability to destroy bacteria, germs, and viruses in the air. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that it is very specific, not fighting all the impurities present in the air.

The third type uses adsorbing agents (other than absorbents), such as activated carbon, as a filter. Thanks to the porosity of these materials, the relatively large particles are trapped in the agent's structure, which guarantees that the air is purer.

The last two types of purifiers are the most controversial. The first is the ionizer purifier, which, through the emission of an electromagnetic field, transforms the molecules into ions, which in turn bind with the other ions formed by the purifier. The idea is that, when joined, the dirt molecules fall into the ground.

The problem is that there is no evidence to show that ionizing devices actually purify the air.

The same problem is found in ozone generator purifiers. As with the ionizer, this purifier also modifies the molecular structure of the components present in the air. In this case, the oxygen present in the environment (O2) is transformed into ozone (O3). Despite the fact that manufacturers say O3 deodorizes and disinfects the air, there is no scientific proof of that fact.

Ozone is an extremely toxic gas and the use of this type of purifier is not recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Fighting the problem

It is also important to prevent and avoid the accumulation of dirt and toxic products inside the home, especially if you do not have access to an air purifier.

The first thing to do is get rid of the source of the contaminants. Prevents fungi from growing and cleans the most susceptible places in your home. Do not smoke or prepare foods that can produce a large amount of smoke inside your home. If the problem is animal hair, limit their presence to specific places in the house.

Vacuum the entire house, including carpets, closets, and hard-to-reach places, at least once a week to prevent allergens from building up inside your home and to ensure they are free of all bacteria, microorganisms, and dust.

Leave the windows open for air circulation, and in case there are air conditioners or air purifiers in your house, change the filters regularly. As always, small steps like these are very important to a healthier life.

Recommended models and conclusion

Now we leave you some of the recommended models for purchase. We hope it is of great help to you:

Rowenta Intense Pure Air PU4020F1 Air purifier, up to 60 m with contamination level sensors, 4 filtration levels and NanoCaptur technology for polluting substances Its compact measurements are 24.1 x 26.2 x 49 cm 199.00 EUR Philips 3000 Series AC3256 / 10 - Air Purifier, Up to 95 m, with Allergen Mode, Touch Screen User Interface, Ultra Quiet Mode, HEPA Filter Air purifier suitable for rooms up to 95 m2; The HEPA NanoProtect filter reduces the life cycle of the particles present in the air Refrigerator Ozonizer, Mini Ozone Generator to Remove Bad Smell Eliminate Bacteria Viruses and Fungi for Refrigerator Cabinet and Shoe Rack PureMate XJ-2000 Silent Air Purifier and Ionizer Remove from odor smoke, bacteria and mold, neutralize harmful gas poison.; Soundless design, without motor. No need to replace filter, easy to clean. 69.99 EUR Hepa air purifier Air ionizer, air filter, anionic activated carbon filter for people allergic to smoke, dust and other elements

Under normal conditions, the existing pollutants in the air of a house are not harmful to their health, however, when people have problems related to allergies and other respiratory problems, especially children, they can see their problems aggravated So air purifiers in these circumstances are invaluable.


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