
Xiaomi air purifier 2 review in Spanish (complete analysis)

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Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 is the second generation of one of the best air purifiers that we can find on the market, it is a device that will clean the air we breathe from particles, something that will be especially important for users with allergies or asthma. Do not miss our complete analysis in Spanish.

Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 technical characteristics

Unboxing and design

Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 arrives perfectly packed in a fairly large cardboard box, this box reaches dimensions of 290 x 289 x 580 mm. Once we open the box we find the purifier perfectly protected so that it does not suffer any damage during transport.

Attached to it is a filter, a power cable, a user manual and the warranty card.

Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 is a fairly large device that is built with measurements of 52 cm high and 24 cm wide, which is why we will have to think carefully about where we are going to put it before buying it. The device is made of very good quality plastic, in a white color and a "pearly" finish that looks quite good, although this is already a matter of personal taste.

This new purifier of the brand is 40% more compact than the original model, something very important for users who do not have much space to place it. Despite its size reduction, it maintains its ability to clean 310 cubic meters of air in one hour, which translates to purifying the environment of a 21-square-meter room in just 10 minutes. Xiaomi recommends its use in rooms of 21m 2 ~ 37m 2

Xiaomi has included a 360 ° cylindrical filter that absorbs air in all directions in a much more efficient way compared to conventional air purifiers.

This filter has a triple layer design that is capable of retaining particles with a size of 0.3μm, it is a high-density EPA filter from the Japanese manufacturer Toray, so the quality is more than guaranteed. It also includes an activated coconut carbon filter that removes formaldehyde, bad odor and other harmful substances.

At the top we see the large 200mm fan next to the device's power button, this button can also be used to change operating modes.

Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 also includes a lighting system that is controlled by a rear button, which allows us to select between normal light, low light or off. We have it installed behind a piece of furniture and with the light down… it does not reflect anything on the wall nor do we realize that it is on.

The purifier has a maximum power consumption of 31W so it is very energy efficient and we will hardly notice it in the electricity bill, it has been designed to work with 110V and 220V networks with a frequency of 50 Hz and 60 Hz so that is fully compatible with the electrical networks of our houses.

My Home Application

As it is a device from the MiJia range, the WiFi 802.11b / g / n connection has been included so that we can link the Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 to our smartphone through the Mi Home app.

Once we have the device linked, we can now access all the functions of the application, among the most important of which we highlight the amount of PM2.5 particles in our home, data related to temperature, humidity, air quality and days of remaining use of the filter. The application marks that each of the filters has a duration of 145 days, after this time we will have to change it in order to continue enjoying the benefits of the device.

The device offers three modes of operation, the first of which is Auto, this will make the purifier change its speed depending on the PM2.5 particle data that the sensor is collecting. Silent mode puts the purifier to work at the minimum possible speed to reduce the noise emitted as much as possible, of course, this reduces its performance. Finally, we have the Favorite mode, this allows you to select a range of square meters to purify and will adjust the fan speed depending on it.

We now go to see the settings section where we can program the power on and off of the Xiaomi Air Purifier 2, as well as change the notification sounds, lights, location, turbo mode, learning mode and program smart scenes.

Final words and conclusion about Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

It is the first time we have tried an air purifier and the Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 has left us with a great taste in the mouth. So much… that we will surely buy another one for another room. It is very important to know that your consumption is very low.

We really liked that your mobile application offers us multitudes of options to configure it: LED regulation, operating modes, create our own profile, rename the product and always have it monitored.

We recommend reading: What is an air purifier?

But… Is there a healthier environment? The room we have tested is quite humid and thanks to the Xiaomi Air Purifier we have managed to have more adequate values ​​(they are usually between 50 to 70% humidity) and cleaner air. We are very happy!

Its price in online store ranges from 115 euros (on sale) to 135 euros. It is a 100% recommended product and we should only change the filter every 4/5 months (it costs about 30 euros for the economic one and 36 euros for the antibacterial). Do you have the Xiaomi Air Purifier 2 ? Do you think it is worth it? We want to know your opinion!









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Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

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