
What is vcore and how can you adjust it to lower the consumption of the processor

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Vcore, also known as voltage core , is the voltage that the motherboard provides to the processor mounted on it, this is a value defined by the manufacturer of the processor and guarantees its correct operation in stock conditions.

Learn how to adjust the Vcore to make your processor more efficient

The Vcore setting ensures that all processors in a series, for example Core i7 8700K, operate correctly at their factory frequencies. We know that not all chips have the same quality, this means that some processors need less voltage and others need more to operate under the same conditions. That is why the value of Vcore guarantees the correct operation even of the worst chips, those that need more voltage.

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The latter means that most processors are operating with a higher voltage than they really need, which makes them consume more energy and heat up more. More advanced users can enter the BIOS and adjust the value of Vcore manually, the ideal is to leave it as low as possible without the processor being stable under maximum load situations.

The Vcore is represented with three decimals, for example 1, 125v, a good way to proceed is to lower it in 0.005 steps and subject the processor to a stability test, for example Wprime or Prime95. In case it is stable, we continue lowering it, when we reach a value that makes our processor unstable, we can gradually increase it in steps of 0.001 until our processor is completely stable.

With this procedure we will ensure that our processor consumes less energy and warms up less, something that is always appreciated. This procedure is valid for both Intel and AMD processors.


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