
What is google analytics?

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Google Analytics is a useful tool owned by Google, which well describes its name is web analytics, which translates into offering grouped information that transits on websites, classifying it according to the audience, acquisition, behavior and conversions that are they perform in the web world.

At what point to use Google Analytics?

It allows to obtain reports, such as the tracking and performance of the special user segment, online marketing campaigns and results, visited content, in short, a range of information related to marketing in general in the web world. Google Analytics its development was based on the purchase of Urchin by Google (This is considered the largest statistical analysis company for web pages)

Google Analytics, in addition to allowing you to measure sales, also gives you general information on how visitors use and how they have reached your site, giving you the advantage of applying marketing techniques to keep them visiting.

Among the most relevant features of Google Analytics are:

  • Analysis tools: Complete and easy-to-interpret reports, allowing you to obtain relevant information for the personalization of your reports with a single click. Content analytics: This indicator gives you information related to the performance and popularity of some pages. Social network analytics: This tool allows you to measure the success of your advertising on social networks, in addition to being able to analyze the interaction of those who visit your site. Conversion analytics: Allows you to measure the number of customers you attract or can attract. Advertising analytics: It allows you to take full advantage of your advertising, since it informs you about the performance of your ads, in the different destinations (social networks, mobile, search network), allowing you to apply the Marketing techniques that you consider necessary to promote and improve your advertising.

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