Quad9: ibm dns that block botnet and phishing attacks

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A couple of months ago IBM launched Quad9 its own security focused DNS service. The purpose of it is to help users to surf the net safely and thus be protected against attacks. So users will see how malicious pages are blocked. Security options include botnet blocking and phishing attacks.
Quad9: IBM DNS that blocks botnet and phishing attacks
With these DNS, IBM wants users to be able to surf threat-free. The origin of the Quad9 name is found in Internet Protocol It works like any other DNS.
Quad9: The IBM DNS
For the development of this DNS IBM has partnered with the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA). It is an organization that fights crime online. As they have commented from the company, no user data will be stored, no additional information will be required. They will only save geolocation data to find malicious domain requests. So they comment that privacy is of great importance to them.
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I BM plays a key role in these DNS, since the company has a huge database with more than 40, 000 million web pages and images analyzed. So you can detect threats faster. Provoking that Quad9 is a very safe option. DNS will generate lists with reliable and safe domains and with others that are not and should be blocked. So that the user knows at all times if it is a trusted website.
Quad9 is available to all users who want to use it. Also, it is completely free. So if you were looking for a DNS that is secure and protects your privacy at all times, it is a good option to consider.
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