
Qualcomm confirms they are selling chips to Huawei

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Huawei has been running into many problems in the United States for months. Due to them, the brand could therefore not import components from American companies or use Google applications, as has happened in the Mate 30. The firm despite this continues to do business with American companies such as Qualcomm. The American company itself confirms this.

Qualcomm confirms that they are selling chips to Huawei

In addition, the firm has revealed that they would like to sign a long-term contract with Huawei, so they would ensure they have a major client like the Chinese giant.

Businesses still active

Huawei is now facing a truce that lasts until November, so they can do business with firms like Qualcomm without problems, after having completed all kinds of paperwork with the American authorities. The question is whether this truce is going to be extended or not after November, partly depends on Trump, so we do not know if it really is something that will happen or not.

Negotiations between China and the United States to reach the trade agreement continue with interruptions, so there is no real progress in this regard. This also affects Huawei, which is faced with obstacles by the American authorities.

This is something that continues to generate uncertainty. Meanwhile, Qualcomm continues to sell chips and components to Huawei. In addition to having clear intentions to sign a long-term collaboration agreement, which is something we do not know if it will happen or not, due to these problems with the American government.

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