
Xiaomi beats samsung and they are the best selling brand in india

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Xiaomi has lived a key year 2017 in its development. Since it has been a year of enormous importance in the international expansion of the company. They have ventured into new markets, such as Spain, and all of this with success. Since sales have been better than ever. They have also been in India, a market in which they have surpassed Samsung.

Xiaomi surpasses Samsung and they are the best-selling brand in India

India is a market that increasingly interests more brands as it is growing explosively. Xiaomi is a brand that has focused many efforts in the country for some time. These efforts have paid off, because it has emerged as the market leader.

Xiaomi is a success in India

The Chinese brand has achieved sales of 8.4 million devices in India in the last quarter of the year. In this way, they have left Samsung behind, which has kept 7.3 million units sold in the same period. With these stupendous figures they have managed to outperform their main rival in the Indian market. A very successful moment for the Chinese brand.

Although, Samsung itself has questioned Canalys' figures and another analysis. The Korean brand is supported by Gfk figures, which they claim are the most reliable. Since they comment that they are the ones that focus solely on sales figures. Interestingly, in the Gfk data, Samsung remains the leader in India.

Be that as it may, what is clear is that Xiaomi is having a good year and they are having great success in new markets. So they are a big threat to brands like Samsung.

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