
Do you want to win $ 500,000? you just have to hack whatsapp or telegram

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WhatsApp and Telegram are two of the most used messaging applications in the world. There are also others like WeChat, Facebook Messenger or Viber that are popular with users. All of them move daily a huge amount of private data that many hackers wish they had. Therefore, being safe is essential.

Do you want to win $ 500, 000? You just have to hack WhatsApp or Telegram

For this reason, the company Zerodium offers a succulent reward to all those who manage to find RCE or LPE vulnerabilities that break with security on Telegram or WhatsApp. The company is dedicated to buying the vulnerabilities and then offering its hacking services.

$ 500, 000 reward

The company is looking for hackers to find serious vulnerabilities in the security of these instant messaging applications. And to motivate them, what better than a reward. And they offer the not inconsiderable amount of $ 500, 000. That it is not the highest that the company pays, since they pay $ 1, 500, 000 to break the security of the iPhone.

Many criticize the activities of Zerodium. And while there is some reason, since the moral component is also something to consider, the company complies with the law. But, it can also be a good opportunity for applications like WhatsApp or Telegram to discover faults and thus be able to improve their security.

Therefore, you already know, if you are hackers or want to earn $ 500, 000, you just have to find a serious vulnerability in the security of these applications. We don't know if the search for Zerodium will be successful, they will surely let the world know if they have found anything. But it can certainly give WhatsApp and Telegram some problems.


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