
Radeon pro software for business 19.q1: new driver from amd

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AMD has introduced its new Radeon Pro Software for Business 19.Q1 driver. It is designed with the intention of speeding up workflows. So as to maximize the productivity of designers and engineers. For this, the company has introduced a series of special features that contribute to it.

Radeon Pro Software for Business 19.Q1: New AMD Driver

The company has been focusing many efforts on offering solutions to companies. For this reason, with this new version of the driver they hope to be able to provide tools that help better work by professionals in this sector.

AMD Introduces Radeon Pro Software for Business

As mentioned, AMD has introduced a number of special features, which are what make it appropriate for business. The functions that this new driver has are explained by the firm. They are as follows:

  • Performance enhancements: 19.Q1 helps deliver higher performance, up to 46% more than the competition, using Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS® 2019. ISV Certifications “Day Zero”: 19.Q1 launches with more than 320 application certifications ISV "Day Zero" for Radeon Pro graphics cards. Among them we find some such as SIEMENS NX, Autodesk VRED Professional, Bentley Systems Microstation Graphisoft Archicad. In this way, AMD Radeon Pro Software for Business achieves 40% more certifications in selected applications than the rest of the competition. AMD Radeon Pro ReLive Ready for RV: Uses the wireless AMD Radeon Pro ReLive client app for OpenVR-based workstations and connected to AMD Radeon VR Ready Creator graphics cards. In addition, it offers consumers easy visualization of VR product design, making use of visualization applications such as Unreal Studio.

  • AMD Radeon Pro Image Boost: Allows apps to output a resolution of up to 5K, but then down to a lower resolution. So it allows you to present highly detailed designs with the best image quality, regardless of the screen resolution. AMD Remote Workstation: Updated to be compatible with Citrix virtual desktops. This enables a higher virtualization density than traditional desktop for professionals working remotely. A unified “Driver” for EVERYONE for AMD graphics hardware: This driver offers security, stability and simplicity. So that professional users do not have problems of use, in addition to being able to get the most out of it.

For those interested it is possible to have more information on the official AMD Blog. In addition, it is also possible to find more information and drivers that the company currently has available at this link.


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