
Intel inside funding cut, prices could rise

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Intel has decided to reduce investment for its "Intel inside" marketing campaign, which has been with us since 1991. The "Intel Inside" campaign is a campaign in which Intel has been offering OEMs and system integrators a certain amount compensation and marketing finance for its Intel-based products, and aims to help OEMs and partners drive growth in PC sales. However, if the CRN report is correct, Intel is seeking to reduce funding for this program by 40% to 60%.

Intel is seeking to reduce funding for this program by 40% to 60%.

Original equipment manufacturers have been including “Intel Inside” funding as part of their annual marketing budgets, and reducing this funding from Intel can be one of two ways: Manufacturers reduce or maintain the marketing budget. budget, but they pass the increased expenses on to consumers. For companies, the second option would be the most sensible, simply because marketing plays such an important role in the visibility of companies.

This would increase the prices of "Intel Inside" products.

This would be bad news for consumers, since we will have to cover this cut with an increase in product prices.

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