
Star citizen continues to break funding records

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Star Citizen doesn't have a release date, but fans keep pouring money at it non-stop. Cloud Imperium Games recently introduced alpha version 3.3 on public test servers, which meant raising more than $ 1 million in just 4 days.

Star Citizen raises over a million in just four days

Also, last Wednesday, when another Squadron 42 trailer, the single-player spin-off, was released, the game received nearly $ 380, 000. Fans backed him up by $ 325, 000 more on Thursday and about $ 190, 000 on Friday and Saturday. This brings total crowdfunding to more than 195 million, and could reach 200 million before the end of the year.

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The day before the trailer, Cloud Imperium released alpha 3.3. The update allows players to use their webcam and microphone to map both their voice and facial expressions to their character in-game. He also added a ton of ships, including the Anvil Valkyrie drop ship, which will cost him a whopping $ 330. Cloud Imperium has promised to publish a full roadmap for the Squadron 42 launch in December, so it won't be long. until we know when the game will finally come out.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.3 arrives just in time for the company's CitizenCon 2948 event in Austin, Texas, where fans will be able to play the version in person. This update has something called Object Container Streaming (OCS), which is a technology that has been working for four years. OCS enhances images per second, allowing for a faster graphics experience for gamers. Leverage the power of the available central processing unit more efficiently.

Without a doubt Star Citizen is a gigantic project, we are sure that it will not disappoint anyone when the final version comes out.

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