Red alert 2.0: new banking Trojan

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New Trojan detected that is putting our security in check. This is Red Alert 2.0. A Trojan that has been developed in recent months and is expanding rapidly. It was first discovered on Russian hacker forums. And during the last weeks the first infections have been registered.
Red Alert 2.0: New banking Trojan
There are already several applications infected by this Trojan. All the applications that broadcast Red Alert were hosted in Android applications. Although, none of these applications is available on the Play Store. Which makes the risk somewhat less for users.
Red Alert banking Trojan
Although, the Red Alert threat is real. Since it is a banking Trojan. Although its operation is familiar. Once on the phone, it waits clandestinely until the user opens a banking application or a social network. When this occurs, the Trojan displays an overlay that is based on HTML. Then the user receives an alert about an error and asks them to re-authenticate their data. At which time they collect your data.
The data is sent to a C&C server. And the people in charge of the Red Alert control panel will use the user's credentials. So they will access their bank account and carry out fraudulent transactions. In addition to using their social networks to publish spam constantly. One of the functions that makes it more dangerous is to collect contact lists of infected devices.
Another recently revealed feature is to automatically block incoming calls from bank numbers. In addition to subscribing the user to SMS services. So far it is not known how many users have been infected. What has been revealed is that the creator of Red Alert is renting the Trojan for $ 500.
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