
United kingdom will fine Facebook for violating data protection law

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The Cambridge Analytica scandal does not look like it will end for Facebook soon. The UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has announced that the social network is going to be fined as much as possible for breach of the data protection law. For this, the company will be fined £ 500, 000 (€ 565, 000).

UK to fine Facebook for violating data protection law

This is the largest amount based on the data protection law of 1998. If the current one, which came into force in May this year, had been applied, the fine would be 4% of the company's turnover.

New fine to Facebook

But, with this fine, it is once again clear that the entire scandal with user data is not over yet. Facebook continues to pay the consequences of its mistakes, this time in the form of a new fine. The social network is accused of failing to protect user data correctly. In addition to not having informed of the way in which third parties accessed said data.

This fine for Facebook is the first step of the ICO report. A new report is expected in October. So it is likely that in a few months new fines or measures will be announced against the social network. It is not yet known what will happen then.

Meanwhile, the social network has been introducing new measures in the area of ​​privacy for a while. We will see if they are enough to protect user data, and to escape new fines in Europe. Especially now that there is a new and stricter data protection law.

CNBC source


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