
There is a security flaw in windows 10 that affects all users

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Online security remains a topical issue and one that worries users, rightly so. Since this time it is Microsoft that has not done its homework correctly. An exploit called Zero-Day has been discovered, which allows attackers to obtain high-ranking permissions from the system. The problem is that all Windows 10 users are exposed to it.

Revealed a security flaw in Windows 10 that exposes all users

The vulnerability in this case is found in Task Scheduler. For an attack to be possible, the user must download a malicious application. The bug appears to affect Windows 10 64-bit. Although there seems to be a patch.

Security flaw in Windows 10

The Windows Task Scheduler has a vulnerability related to local permissions in the Advanced Local Procedure Call interface, which allows an attacker to obtain system permissions. Which is a huge problem, since it gives them enormous control over the user. To make things a little worse, a security patch isn't expected until next month.

According to a statement from the American company, Windows 10 users could receive the patch on the next Patch Tuesday, which in this case would be September 11. So users would have to wait two weeks totally unprotected from this vulnerability.

Versions like Windows 7 or 8.1 are confirmed to be unaffected by the crash. So it is clear who are the users affected by this serious vulnerability in the task scheduler. We hope the company of a solution as soon as possible.

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