
Why are we going to be a day without internet in 2017?

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Disturbing news that comes to us from the security firm LogRhythm. These guys have stated that in 2017 we will be a day without the Internet, how can this be? What can happen so that everyone is going to be a day without Internet? Is it possible to hold on? All this started when LogRhythm surprised us with the following statements: " for the year 2017 we are going to see how something very strong happens somewhere ".

We will be a day without Internet in 2017

But these are not the only statements they have made, because taking up an important issue like the one we told you yesterday about the denial of service attack on Steam. This security firm sees less crazy that the Internet is 24 hours without working. The truth is that it sounds crazy, but it could happen and there are reasons to think that it will. We can get the idea and then if it does not go better, but in many jobs today without the Internet it is a wasted day… not to mention the financial market.

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Mirai, the botnet that is the big culprit

What months ago was an anecdote, now it is gaining more and more weight. Especially if we consider Mirai, the botnet that was able to bring down the Internet. This botnet is made up of devices for the Internet of Things (LoT), so it could be the culprit for us to be left without the Internet. When the botnet was able to bring down the Internet, those affected included Dyn's DNS servers and users unable to navigate the Internet normally, because there were none. What worries, is that over time it will spread to the whole world.

The biggest mistake was having published the Mirai source code, because these attacks have already knocked down a million Routers in Germany, so we are facing a very tense and dangerous moment, since at any moment someone could decide to leave the whole world without the Internet.

The latest statements from LogRhythm affirm that if it has been possible to throw on a small scale, eventually it will be possible to throw the Internet around the world, that all the routers in the world end up KO.

What do you expect to happen? Will we be without Internet 1 day for 2017?

More info | BusinessInsider


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