
If you are going to study, you cannot do it without these apps on your ipad

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The countdown begins for the return to classes, and if this is your case, now studying is much more comfortable and easier if you make use of the available technologies. In this post I am not going to make an endless compilation of applications, but I am going to propose you the ones that I consider to be the best iPad applications for back to class, apps that are useful for any student, regardless of whether you are in high school or if you study one or another career.

Essential apps to study with your iPad

Take notes, underline, study, organize info…

In number one I propose the "almighty" GoodNotes app, a real wonder that you can use every day in your studies and in a thousand and one situations. With GoodNotes you will be able to take notes by hand directly on your iPad using the enPencil, another stylus or using the keyboard. You can also import all your notes in pdf format (from email, cloud storage services, local storage…), underline, annotate, export and much more. Best of all, you will have all your notes organized in notebooks. Say goodbye to books, to folders full of pages, to notebooks. With GoodNotes you won't need more than your iPad.

GoodNotes is priced at € 8.99 and can be obtained directly from the App Store.

For your class work

Considering that we are talking about iPad, to carry out your class work I recommend Pages , Apple's text editor. It is free, very simple to use, complete and functional. In addition, you can import / export in Word format, so you will not have any problems when doing group work.

Essential Utilities

Along with these two basics, which I have used and use both to study and to teach my classes, attend courses and conferences and a thousand other things, there are a number of utilities that cannot be missing from your iPad because, of course, you are going to to need on more than one occasion:

  • Web Translator , with which you can translate entire pages in Safari. Ideal when you find valuable information for your work on websites that are not in Spanish. HD calculator (or similar) since the iPad does not include a standard calculator like the iPhone. Adobe Scan : the best way to scan documents, have them in pdf and be able to work with them. 2DO, to organize your daily tasks.

Editor's choice

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