Samsung begins mass production of eufs 3.0 modules

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Samsung announced today that it has started mass-producing the industry's first 512GB eUFS 3.0 integrated universal flash storage modules for next-generation mobile devices.
Next-generation smartphones will have capacities up to 1TB thanks to eUFS 3.0
In line with the latest eUFS 3.0 specification, the new Samsung memory offers twice the speed of the previous eUFS (eUFS 2.1), allowing for an unrivaled user experience on future smartphones with large, high-resolution displays at twice the triple the storage capacity on smartphones.
Samsung produced the industry's first UFS interface with eUFS 2.0 in January 2015, which was 1.4 times faster than the mobile memory standard of the time, known as the Integrated Media Card (eMMC) 5.1. In just four years, the company's new eUFS 3.0 will match the performance of today's ultrabook notebooks.
Samsung's 512GB eUFS 3.0 stacks eight of the company's fifth-generation 512-gigabit (Gb) V-NAND arrays and integrates a high-performance controller. At 2, 100 megabytes per second (MB / s), the new eUFS doubles the sequential read speed of Samsung's latest eUFS memory (eUFS 2.1) that was announced in January. The read speed of the new solution is four times faster than that of a SATA solid state drive (SSD) and 20 times faster than today's microSD card.
The write speed will be up to 410 MB / s, this is equivalent to a current SATA SSD. It is also estimated 63, 000 and 68, 000 input / output operations per second (IOPS).
Samsung also plans to manufacture 1TB eUFS 3.0 modules in the second half of the year.
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