
Samsung begins mass production of its memories v

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Samsung, the world leader in memory chip manufacturing, has announced that it has started mass production of its new 64-layer V-NAND technology that reaches a density of 256 Gb per chip, to enable a new generation of devices with higher Storage capacity.

New 64-layer V-NAND memories from Samsung

Samsung already started manufacturing its new 64-layer, 256Gb V-NAND chips in January, since then it has been working to offer users a new generation of devices with a large storage capacity, this includes smartphones, SSDs and UFS memories. integrated. The new step has been to start mass production of this new memory technology that will cover 50% of its monthly production until the end of the year.

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Samsung's new 64-layer V-NAND memory has a transfer rate of 1 Gbps, making it the fastest available on the market. Its most notable features continue with a page programming time of just 500 micro-seconds, it is also the fastest on the market in this regard and 1.5 times faster than the company's previous 48-layer memory. These performance figures translate to a productivity gain of 30% compared to its previous 48-layer memory.

We continue with energy efficiency and that is that the new chips require an input voltage of 2.5V, 30% less than the previous 48-layer memory, so the energy efficiency will be better and the battery consumption of mobile devices the integration will be less. The reliability of the new memory chips has also been improved by 20%. All of these improvements have been made possible by several changes to the advanced V-NAND manufacturing process used by the South Korean company.

All this has been the result of a 15-year investigation and more than 500 patents in the structure of the V-NAND memory in order to achieve the best possible design. Samsung has laid the foundations to continue improving its memory technology, the next step is 90-layer chips with a capacity of 1 Tb.

Source: samsung


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