
Samsung damages millions of dollars in memory due to power outage

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Samsung damages millions of dollars of DRAM and NAND memories due to a power outage. We tell you inside.

Arguably the first bad news from the tech sector in 2020. Apparently, the South Korean Samsung factory has suffered a one-minute power outage that has caused millions of dollars worth of DRAM and NAND memory damage, according to Reuters and Korean News.

Bad news for Samsung… and for the world

On the one hand, Samsung has lost millions of dollars due to a one-minute power outage. Because of this, the DRAM and NAND flash memory production lines stopped completely. The cut occurred on the afternoon of December 31 because of a regional transmission cable. It will take 2 days for the Samsung factory to recover the production rhythm.

Semiconductor production is very sensitive to energy changes, so a sudden shutdown can lead to faulty manufacturing. At the moment, Samsung lost $ 43.32 million dollars due to a power outage that lasted 30 minutes in 2018.

On the other hand, we say that it is not good news for the computing world because Samsung is one of the main memory manufacturers. This means that there may be a shortage of supply, all without lowering demand. Therefore, when there is little supply and high demand, a rise in prices occurs.

Knowing that the Samsung factory has lost the company millions of dollars, they will have to recover it somehow, right? Unfortunately, the usual ones pay here: us.

The question we ask ourselves is: Will they not have emergency power generators to supply these cuts? Let's hope that this price increase does not come, or that it is as small as possible.

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