
Snapchat loses millions of dollars every month

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Snapchat was an application that reached the market generating a lot of impact. It became a hugely popular app at high speed. But they have already lost a large part of it. In addition, over the years they have made some mistakes from the company. The IPO has not been something that has helped and the redesign of the app made them lose many users.

Snapchat loses millions of dollars every month

Therefore, it seems that the company loses millions of dollars every month, since its IPO. About 68 million dollars according to the latest information.

Millionaires loses

These millionaire losses are something that have a huge impact on the company. Because if this rhythm is followed, in about three years they would run out of money. For this reason, it seems that the company has or is already looking for a capital injection, with which to improve the situation in some way. Although these are data based on the financial data that the company has shared.

2019 promises to be a year of importance for Snapchat. The redesign of your Android application is decisive, to see if users finally stay or not. Although there are many doubts about it.

Therefore, we will have to see how Snapchat evolves in the coming months. It has long been suggested that the company should be sold. Although we don't know if this is something that will finally happen this year. What should they do to solve this situation?

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