Samsung patents a roll-up oled TV

Table of contents:
- Samsung and LG become pioneers of 'roll-up' display technology
- When can we see these roll-up OLED TV screens?
Samsung is giving the first to be able to see the first roll-up screen televisions. LG announced that it had successfully developed a large 77-inch transparent and flexible OLED display two years ago, but the Samsung-patented concept has some variations.
Samsung and LG become pioneers of 'roll-up' display technology
Samsung's patent shows a horizontal rolling screen. This sheet is held together by a vertical structure on each side from end to end. With one end that supports most of the screen while the other is for the mechanical support. This mechanical design that holds the flat panel flat while extended is at the core of the patent.
Unlike Samsung's other new offerings, they don't seem to care about making this one so slim. One of the advantages of this new roll-up design is that it can be rotated. You don't have to be leaning against the wall all the time.
There are also many commercial uses for these types of devices. Rolling signs for advertising will find this type of display very useful. For now, animated LED displays are only possible on large-format displays, but high-resolution roll-up OLED panels could be applied on almost any surface.
When can we see these roll-up OLED TV screens?
The patent is still fresh. Although it is possible that at the next CES 2019 we can see it in action. To start seeing the first business models, probably from 2020 or 2021.
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