
Samsung teams up with amd to use radeon graphics on their phones

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AMD and Samsung today announced a multi-year strategic partnership in the field of ultra -low-power, high-performance mobile IP graphics based on AMD Radeon technologies.

Samsung to Pay AMD Radeon Technology License Fees and Royalties

As part of the partnership, Samsung and AMD will focus on advanced graphics technologies and solutions that are critical to improving innovation in their products, including smartphones.

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The key terms of the association include:

AMD will grant Samsung a custom graphics IP license based on the recently announced high-scalability RDNA graphics architecture for use on mobile devices, including smaprthones, and other products that complement AMD's product offerings. Samsung will pay AMD's technology license fees and royalties.

"As we prepare for technological change and discover new opportunities, our partnership with AMD will allow us to bring innovative graphics products and solutions to the marketplace for tomorrow's mobile applications, " said Inyup Kang, president of Samsung Electronics' S.LSI Business. "We are looking forward to working with AMD to accelerate innovations in mobile graphics technologies that will help take the mobile computing of the future to the next level."

We can't say what the financial impact will be for AMD, but it looks like good business as AMD is not currently competing in the mobile graphics space and this may be one way the company can increase its revenue.

Samsung currently sells millions of Exynos chips through its Galaxy smartphones and currently pays ARM for a license to use its line of Mali GPUs. Now all of that revenue can be diverted to AMD for the payment of "licenses and fees." This seems like a landmark deal for AMD, which is deep into the development of GPUs for smartphones.

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