
A new variant of specter is discovered in intel processors

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Intel's problems with Specter are far from over, Ohio University researchers have found a new variant of the Specter vulnerability in the company's silicons.

Intel has a new problem with Specter

This new vulnerability is related to Software Guard Extensions (SGX), extensions that allow software to run in secure areas isolated from the processor with its own memory allocation. The new vulnerability has been named SgxPectre and is especially problematic as it allows these safe zones created by SGX to be compromised.

We recommend reading our post on Cannonlake processors will not be immune to Meltdown and Specter

SgxPectre makes use of the branch prediction ability to take information from SGX safe zones and take it outside of these, so that information can be accessed. Intel has already spoken to say that its latest security patches and new development kits for SGX application providers are poised to deal with this new security threat, to what extent this will be true remains to be seen.

These new development kits will be available from March 16, surely from then on we have new information on this matter. What seems clear is that this 2018 will be more complicated for Intel than they had anticipated in their worst dreams.

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