Different RAM memories can be used on the same PC

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When assembling a PC by parts we find a huge variety of components from which we can choose different options. RAM is one of the aspects that gives us more flexibility with kits of different capacities and speeds, what many users will not know is that we can mix different modules in the same system.
What happens when we use different RAM memories?
Although we can mix different RAM modules in the same PC, we must take into account several aspects so that they work correctly and we can take full advantage of them. Therefore, it is important that we choose modules that are as similar as possible in order to obtain optimum performance. If the modules are very different, they may not be able to work together in dual chanel, which would penalize performance.
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Let's give an example that we have an 8 GB RAM module at a frequency of 2, 400 MHz and a CL13 latency, to this module we want to add another one of a different brand with a capacity also of 8 GB but a speed of 2, 800 MHz and a CL15 latency. In this scenario we can find ourselves in the situation that the second module sees its speed reduced to 2, 400 MHz and the latency to CL14 to be equal to the first module.
The other possibility that exists is that both modules are set to a profile that corresponds to the JEDEC standard automatically, which corresponds to 2, 133 MHz. If you have noticed we have used two modules of the same capacity, with this it is possible that the dual chanel works, if we put modules of different capacity it will be impossible to activate the dual chanel.
Another possibility is that we configure the modules manually to try to achieve a configuration compatible with both, in the previous example we could try to equalize the two modules at a speed of 2, 666 MHz, for this we would have to apply a slight overclock to the slowest module, at Being quite smooth shouldn't give us a problem. We would have to lower the frequency to the other module, something easier than overclocking. We would also have to match latencies, we can try putting both in CL14 and see if the system is stable.
As a final conclusion we can say that it is possible to put different memory modules in the same system, the degree of use of their potential in these cases depends on our expertise as advanced users and also on luck, which is an important factor that can facilitate us the work or make it very difficult. Therefore, the recommendation is that we use the same modules whenever possible.
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