Fedora 26 alpha release delayed, again

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Fedora 26 Alpha had everything scheduled for release on March 21 but the developers have decided to delay it at the last minute.
Fedora 26 alpha was scheduled for March 21
Not a few Linux users are waiting for the release of Fedora 26, the new version of this Linux operating system, one of the most used by the community.
This is the second delay for Fedora 26 Alpha, which was originally due out on March 14, then on 21, and now doesn't even have a release date.
It is speculated that the new version of the system would finally arrive on March 28, but on this depends the meeting on the 23rd that the developers will have. There it will be decided if they take a step forward with Fedora 26 Alpha or if instead they delay the launch more.
For the time being, the dates of the beta and final version of the operating system will remain as before, on May 16 and June 13, except for anything that may arise before.
We also recommend you read: Guide for beginners in Linux
Releases of new versions of Linux operating systems are generally rigorously pre-released to ensure that everything runs as it should, from stability to security, something that has always been praised for Linux operating systems.
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