
Skype changes the design of its application for android and ios

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The Skype application for Android and iOS has been improving over time. Although it is still not perfect. Design changes have been made in recent months. Now, the application brings new developments, including a new design that promises to help improve its performance. Something that most users are sure to appreciate.

Skype changes the design of its application for Android and iOS

A design change that affects various parts of the application. It has been carried out with the intention of making this Skype application improve and its operation more fluid and simple for users. Since there have been quite a few problems with it in the past.

New design for Skype

In this new design for the application there are three main changes / novelties that we have to take into account. These changes in Skype are as follows:

  • The Material Design design is introduced to the navigation button. Thanks to this, the application will be more integrated with Android. The upper part of the application is updated, as well as the search button, so that it has a more decisive interface. A FAB button is introduced to the shortcuts that will allow you to carry take some actions.

In addition to this, Skype introduces SuperComposer, a super search engine that will be integrated into the application. It will allow us to carry out all kinds of actions. We can create groups, add contacts, make calls or invite other people. All this from a single place. These news will arrive very soon in the version of the application for Android and iOS. What do you think of these news?

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