Snapchat reaches 203 million active users per month

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It seems that Snapchat is regaining its position in the market. A few days ago the app reached a billion downloads on Google Play. Now, the firm has revealed its figures for the second quarter of the year, where they have also left us with the number of active users. An amount that has risen to reach 203 million people.
Snapchat reaches 203 million active users per month
It represents a good rise compared to the 190 million users they had in the first quarter. One of the highest uploads that the application has obtained in recent times.
World growth
In this way, Snapchat manages to exceed the figures of last year, when they reached 191 million users, although it fell to 186 million at the end of the year. A good number for the app, which seems to be recovering or gaining new users at the moment. This growth in users is a phenomenon that occurs worldwide, as has been seen in their figures.
In Europe the app has about 64 million users. North America, mainly the United States and Canada, are the main market, with 83 million users. The rest are distributed in other areas of the world, although it is not specified how they are distributed.
In addition, Snapchat's financial results are improving. Profits have increased and there has been a reduction in your losses. Reasons for enthusiasm in the application, which seems to gradually face a better situation. We will see if they manage to maintain these good figures over the months.
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