Whatsapp blocks 2 million accounts for spam every month

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Fake news and spam is a huge problem on WhatsApp. Therefore, the messaging application has been taking measures for a long time. One of them has been to limit the forwarding of messages. But they are also dedicated to blocking and deleting accounts, in their fight against this problem. Every month alone, it has been confirmed that some two million accounts are blocked from the app.
WhatsApp blocks 2 million accounts for spam every month
The application itself has confirmed this. By expanding hoaxes or fake news in the app, this number of accounts are eliminated or blocked. Still, it is not enough.
WhatsApp against spam
Since as it has been known thanks to new figures from the application, only 20% of the accounts that generate this type of problem are currently blocked. Also, when WhatsApp manages to block some of these accounts, new ones appear immediately. Something that undoubtedly poses a huge problem, as well as a limitation, in this process for the app.
In many cases, we can see that there are some cases that are serious. In India there have even been some murders due to the spread of hoaxes and false news. Something that has caused many problems to the app. But they work on more measures.
At the moment, the means that are being used do not seem to be enough for WhatsApp. Although it sounds like many, two million accounts a month, it seems that it is still insufficient in the fight against spam and fake news.
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