Solved a frustrating problem in google play music

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A Reddit user described it as the reason why he decided to return to Spotify again, while another claims to have been "marked" by the problem. Perhaps it may be somewhat exaggerated but the truth is that it is one of the main errors collected in the reviews of Google Play Music in the Play Store, a problem that the popular streaming music application had been making users suffer since A long time ago, but fortunately, an update released earlier this week seems to have fixed it.
Swipe to remove
The update in question that we are talking about is identified as version 8.5.6542-1 and its description mentions "bug fixes" as the only improvement implemented, without the company having gone into more detail. Still, Google Play Music users on Reddit confirm that the swipe-to-remove gesture has been corrected in this new version.
I have already said at the beginning that these statements could be exaggerated, however, they are not. This swipe-to-remove gesture was used, as its name suggests, to remove songs from a playlist or to remove them from the queue. There was no doubt that the idea was useful as it is a quick way to remove a track instead of having to go to the options. And then where is the problem?
Smartphones are sometimes not so much, and it is quite easy and frequent that the interface can misinterpret our intentions. In this sense, on more than one occasion users mistakenly deleted their songs so they will have received with great joy the solution to this problem.
And now that Google has finally solved this awkward problem, perhaps it's a good time to subscribe to Google Play Music, or to return to the fold in case you quit. Or do you prefer Spotify?
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