Star wars battlefront ii bets heavily on micropayments, prepares wallet

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Electronic Arts is one of the companies that has most bet on the use of micropayments and DLCs in video games, after announcing that Star Wars Battlefront II will not have a season pass, many users have trembled before the Machiavellian possibilities that open to the company. Finally we know that the intentions were not good at all and the game will bet heavily on micropayments.
Star Wars Battlefront II will have micropayments and no season pass
Warning, what you are going to read below can be very painful for video game lovers.
No one doubts that micropayments are big business in video games, a much more profitable solution than what was done in the past when they sold you the complete game for 60-70 euros. Today's games are priced the same on consoles (somewhat less on PC thankfully), but the situation has been exacerbated by practices of cutting content and then selling it separately. With this we understand that Electronic Arts last year earned $ 1.68 billion from micropayments, double what they earned from the direct sale of video games.
Therefore, the interest of the companies in making the games as bare as possible and then bleeding the players is evident, they will sell the same so they do not lose anything. Star Wars Battlefront II promises to offer much more content than its predecessor, but it will also bet heavily on micropayments since the company is not satisfied with charging players only once.
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This strong commitment to micropayments is accompanied by the absence of a season pass to have all the additional content in a more economical way, this means that if you want to have the game with all its content, you will have to spend a lot of money important.
Source: tweaktown
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