Mario odyssey comes to nintendo switch

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Mario Odyssey is perhaps the greatest display of innovation that they strive to bring us in every Nintendo title. Far from drawing titles at will to empty our pockets every year, this game shows how Mario is a common thread, almost an excuse, to be able to show us what new ideas are left to the world of video games, what his new console is capable of and how to design a video game that feels like a complete experience, a joy to revisit .
Currently we find it in stores like Amazon for a price of 52.90 euros . It's not a cheap price, but for Nintendo and Mario lovers, it's possibly one of the best buys this year. The Professional Review team awards you the platinum medal and recommended product:
Mario Odyssey
- GRAPHICS - 90%
- GAMEPLAY - 100%
- PRICE - 80%
- 91%
"Mamma mia!" It is what escapes us when we see Mario wearing his cap to move around spectacular scenarios, distribute tow and possess enemies. The second most anticipated title for the first year of the Nintendo Switch has arrived: Super Mario Odyssey and we are going to tell you all about it.
Put on your hat and let's go there!
Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch - Scenarios
Once again we will visit many fantasy worlds with which Nintendo wants to surprise us over and over again. For the first time Mario will travel to a real location, to a pulsating New York where we will reach the musical and luminous climax that only Broadway can give us.
From the traditional worlds of snow and ice, aquatic and jungles to the abstract kingdom of the stove, the scenarios that we discovered with Mario are one of the greatest attractions of the game. Some are more daring than others, and especially the newest is where we notice that this Mario differs from the previous ones.
All maps are open worlds between which we travel with the hat ship. So we are not talking about a large open world with zones that make sense in it as happens in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The relationship between worlds works in Mario Osyssey works through the ship because they are so different from each other that the walking transition would not make sense.
But more than the settings and props, the scenarios really work thanks to movement mechanics and owning enemies. Because we have these skills, the open world with platforms is not only a linear experience but we have many ways and ways of facing the stage, some available to everyone and others only the most skilled and resourceful players can achieve.
Mario Odyssey is perhaps the greatest display of innovation that they strive to bring us in every Nintendo title. Far from drawing titles at will to empty our pockets every year, this game shows how Mario is a common thread, almost an excuse, to be able to show us what new ideas are left to the world of video games, what his new console is capable of and how to design a video game that feels like a complete experience, a joy to revisit.
Currently we find it in stores like Amazon for a price of 52.90 euros. It's not a cheap price, but for Nintendo and Mario lovers, it's possibly one of the best buys this year. The Professional Review team awards you the platinum medal and recommended product:
Mario Odyssey
PRICE - 80%
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