Super mario odyssey sweeps sales and catapults the nintendo switch to success

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We have to go back to March to remember the launch of the Nintendo Switch, the latest game console from the Japanese company for which many did not give a dime. At the time of its release it was harshly criticized that the only weight game available was the Zelda: Breath of the Wild and that the console is underpowered. Just over half a year after its launch, the Nintendo Switch has reached almost 8 million consoles sold and Super Mario Odyssey is sweeping sales.
Super Mario Odyssey shows the good work of Nintendo and devastates
Super Mario Odyssey has only been on the market for three days and has already earned the love of a community of players and critics who consider it the best game of the year and a true masterpiece at the height of Super Mario 64 or Zelda: the ocarina of time. With just three days on sale the game has sold 2 million copies and this data refers to units sold to users and not distributed. Such has been the success of Super Mario Odyssey that it is even surpassing sales of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in some countries and is outdoing it as Game of the Year.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review in Spanish (Complete Analysis)
Nintendo is proving that you don't need the most powerful console to succeed but do it right, Super Mario Odyssey is a perfect launching game that doesn't include micropayments or clipped content and runs at 60 FPS giving a great sense of smoothness.
For this end of the year the Nintendo Switch will receive another colossus such as Xenoblade Chronicles 2, it will not achieve the success of Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild but it is a title to keep in mind.
Nes classic sweeps sales in November

The Nintendo NES Classic Edition console sweeps sales. 196,000 units have been sold in just one month and 261,000 in Japan in just one week.
Ubisoft predicts great success for the nintendo switch

Ubisoft has great confidence in the Nintendo Switch and a very successful future awaits it just like the original 2006 Wii.
Mario odyssey comes to nintendo switch

Mario Odyssey, the most anticipated game for Nintendo Switch along with Zelda, has already arrived and it does not stop giving surprises. Find out in Professional Review!