
Super mario run reaches 100 million downloads

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It's been a while since Nintendo released games for mobile devices. The Japanese company has taken some time to do so, but so far its launches are counted by successes. Something they seek to repeat next year with the arrival of Mario Kart for mobile. At the moment, they have to "settle" with the success that Super Mario Run is having on Android.

Super Mario Run reaches 100 million downloads

Since the Nintendo game has joined a select club that not many games manage to reach. His downloads on the Play Store have already reached 100 million.

Super Mario Run is a success

The arrival of Nintendo games on mobile devices was celebrated by users. Something that has undoubtedly been clear in the downloads that this game is having. Since at least among Android users it is working very well. Since few games manage to reach 100 million downloads as Super Mario Run has.

One of the main negative points of the game is the purchases inside it, since you have to pay 10 euros to unlock all the levels. Something that not all users of it are willing. So it certainly is a point that may have contributed to lesser success.

Although it is also clear that users are going to pay if the game is worth it. So seeing Nintendo update the game from time to time with upgrades is a good sign. It remains to be seen how his downloads evolve and whether his next title, Mario Kart Tour achieves this success.


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