
Supposedly intel contacts amd ryzen analysts to harm reviews

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If anyone had any doubts about Intel's fear and concern for Ryzen, new information will crawl to dispel it. Intel is already moving tab to try to influence reviewers for analysis of the new AMD processors.

Intel would be trying to harm AMD

Intel's public relations staff is contacting major hardware analytics portals by email, something that would not be surprising if it weren't for their interest in the new AMD Ryzen processors. This information comes to us after knowing Intel's intention to lower the price of its processors, and knowing that it is offering succulent discounts to manufacturers to use their processors to the detriment of AMD.

Possible price drop at Intel Kaby Lake and Broadwell-E by AMD Ryzen

Semiaccurate's Charli Demerjian has been the first to make public that Intel staff are contacting the media to contact Intel before publishing reviews of the new AMD Ryzen processors. Something that is striking, it is not normal for a company of the caliber of Intel to be interested in this type of information about its rival, confidential information before the NDA uprising and that the analyzes can be published. To add fuel to the fire, chief editors of the main PC hardware and technology websites in the United States, have announced that Intel has contacted them with a common theme that they did not want to reveal out of respect.

Recall that in 2009 Inte was fined and forced to pay $ 1.06 billion to AMD for using unfair practices to sabotage the use of Sunnyvale processors by major PC manufacturers. Intel also paid some manufacturers. such as Dell, Acer, Lenovo and NEC to delay or prevent the launch of computers with AMD hardware. Intel has abused its position and has yet to pay AMD the $ 1.06 billion.

It's sad to see that a company of Intel's caliber uses these unethical practices when it doesn't need them to compete with its rival.

Source: wccftech


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