
Synaptics announces a fingerprint sensor for pc

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The use of a fingerprint sensor is very common in smartphones to increase user security, something that has hardly been seen on some laptops on PC but is not something that has been very successful. Synaptics wants to put a solution and has announced a fingerprint sensor for PC.

New fingerprint sensor for PC from Synaptics

Synaptics' new PC fingerprint sensor comes in a very compact size and with a USB interface so it can be used on any computer today. This solves at a stroke the problem of not being able to use our fingerprint as a security element on our PC.

This small USB accessory includes a Synaptics IronVeil Catalyst sensor to offer a low-cost solution that allows us to enjoy greater security when it comes to protecting our PC from the most curious. His exact date of arrival on the market has not been announced but he should be among us in late 2016 or early 2017.

Source: nextpowerup


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